Meeting Bigby

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You entered a local bar is wasn't to quite or loud. You sat at a table had some good food. You sat there with your drink and a man approached you,he had red wait it was the red bull! You started to panic.

The red bull
Hello I couldn't help but notice you from across the bar,can I sit?

His voice was highly threatening but deep,it sent shivers down your spine. You didn't want to refuse or that.

U-um sure you can sit.

He sat down and gave you a glare you couldn't describe it but all you knew was you really wanted to leave. You looked around trying to find an excuse to leave when he just sat down.

The red bull
So what's your name darlin?

It's..Y/ are?

The red bull
Well I do by Jackson or as some people have nicknamed me,the red bull.

It was really him..he killed every single one of your kind and of course he has some clue one is alive or he wouldn't be kept calm.

The red bull..? Sounds interesting I guess. I think keeping Jackson is better the red bull sounds..a little evil.

You forced yourself to giggle a little at your "unfunny" joke,you wanted to try so hard not to make it obvious you was shaking so much. Also you didn't want him to find out about who you really was.

The red bull
I like the nickname I mean it has helped me,people are shit scared of me and well I guess not dealing with some dickheads trying to fight me is good every now and then,especially when I've killed an entire species.

He gave a sinister laugh,it was cold..dark,you wanted to run away but you knew what wouldn't do anything. If he killed every single one of you then he will easily kill you.

It's been lovely meeting you but I should go back I didn't want to be out late since I am looking for a job tomorrow. Goodbye.

You walked away not even hearing what the red bull said to you. You quickly left the bar hearing steps behind you. You looked behind you and he was...gone. You got a little bit confused but knew it was the time to run for it. You quickly ran forward not looking to where you was going and bumped into someone.

You looked up ad saw the red bull! How did he do that?! You quickly got up and ran with him behind you. You told him to stop but he wouldn't. You made a sharp turn into an alleyway and hid,he went straight passed and you waited for 5 minutes. You finally got out and quickly got away and once again bumping into someone. you didn't escape.

Get awa-

You stopped your words and looked up to see a man,he was tall and handsome,he had brown hair which was a little messy,he wore simple clothes,white shirt,shoes and black trousers. He looked down at you with a fag in his mouth. He offered you a hand and helped you up.

Thank you..

What were you even doing?


From what?

N-nothing am fine.

Don't lie to me.

It's my business so I am good on my own thanks for the help.

You tried to walk away but he grabbed your arm very tightly not letting go,you looked at him to see his eyes go very yellow,you panicked a little.

Ok! Ok! Please let go of my arm..your hurting me.

He let go and pulled a cigarette and started to smoke.

So what really happened,I am the sheriff after all so..?

Well maybe you could have said you was..I thought you was some creep or something. I was running from the red bull..

Snow told me about him,so he is up to something. Do you know why he might be after you? You don't seem like anyone who would be in trouble with someone like that.

I can't say why he's after's a big secret.

You should just say or it's just going to cause more trouble for you.

I will tell you but take me somewhere private I don't need the whole world knowing who I am.

You both waited and a taxi arrived you both got in and entered a building,you both entered and a girl with black hair approached you,it was snow. Bigby explained what happened to her and you all entered a office.

I knew he wouldn't be redeeming himself or being good. But why is he after you..? You've done nothing wrong have you?

No! Look I know why he's after me,letting my secret be revealed is..not good please all of us are dead because of this guy.

What do you mean..? Wait the red bull killed many unicorns back ages ago! Wait he missed one..? No way how could he..

She looked at you shocked and you looked down,you hated telling people lies but you couldn't say the truth about what you was.

You did lie to me..but I understand why you did just telling me what you was when we met could have ended badly,but am glad you are safe now. Bigby for now your duty is to sort of look after Y/N you don't need to be around her 24/7 but just keep her safe.

Am not a babysitter.

And since I am in charge you will be for now,Bigby they is one unicorn left and she's here with us! She could have ended up like the rest,this could cause something amazing for Fable town! Please Bigby I promise we will try and put an end to this as soon as we can.

Bigby after some talk finally agreed with snow and you had to stay in Bigbys apartment, he didn't like the whole idea but he went with it. You entered his apartment and saw a pig on a blue chair.

You want me to get of don't you Bigby.

Yeah get of.

Who are you?

Am Y/N.

Colin leave her alone she's none of your business she's mine,she's my new assignment as you can say.

Colin and Bigby fell asleep and left you on the floor,you was cold but you didn't care,you just hope tomorrow gets better.

Bigby x reader (The Last unicorn)Where stories live. Discover now