Our plan

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With The red bull

Bloody Mary,the crooked man,tweedle dum and dee and the red bull sat around a large table. The red bull had a cigarette in his mouth,the tweedles had there guns,Bloody Mary had a knife and the crooked man was fiddling around with a coin.

Crooked man
It's been a while since we all sat around like this. Am glad you all here to join me.

Bloody Mary
Let's get to the point please.

The red bull
I see your still a bitch. Look I know it's been long and am glad am here but I came back for one thing am not here to do anything else but kill the last unicorn.

Bloody Mary
Why didn't you do it the day you saw her,you could have got it over with and you wouldn't be here.

The red bull
Well I like to have a game of cat and mouse. Also I got some others involved so this is going to be fun. Bloody Mary I know you want Bigby dead and that can happen,the last unicorn is with him and this gives us the chance.

Bloody Mary
Hmm well I guess that's fine,let's carry on playing this "game" of yours.

The red bull
Am glad we can do that. But I do have some bad news,Bigby is currently looking for us,if he finds us now we could all be in big trouble. We need a plan so I want you Bloody Mary and the tweedles to bring me the last unicorn and Bigby behind the hero,as they say now. The big bad wolf will chase you and this gives you a chance to kill him.

The croup looked at red bull,they looked at eachother and nodded.

Bloody Mary
I will go with the plan but if we fail I will kill you,understand?

The red bull
As you wish my dear. Let's head out,Crooked man would you like to join me?

Crooked man
Am fine please go on I will be right here.

Everyone left,the crooked man sat there still with the coin between his fingers.

With Bigby and Y/N

It was cold..really cold. What was happening,why was it cold? You got up and put the large blanket around you. Bigby was sitting down doing some more paperwork. You approached him.

W-why is it so cold?

It's not that cold.

It is..it's really cold Bigby. Can you make it warm?

No I can't. This apartment isn't the best so no I can't make it warm.

This sucks..I could be at my own apartment nice and warm but no,I'm here.

You could be dead would you like that instead doll?

His words made you a little red,but you huffed and looked away from Bigby. He wasn't wrong but you would never think after getting your life together it would go back to this. You looked at Bigby and a feeling came to you,he really did look good. Wait?! What was you thinking this dickhead is a big old lazy why do you think he looks..hot?! You could think of..NO!

Come on let's head out.

You both left the apartment complex,you followed behind Bigby and he looked back at you once or twice. You didn't want to look him in the eyes..you couldn't,you felt your face heat up when you did so you avoided his eyes,for now.

It was still bright out so this gave you and Bigby plenty of time. You both entered what it seemed to be a pawn shop (no not porn),two men where in an argument. All of a sudden they was both now fighting,Bigby quickly pulled them of eachother.

Bigby x reader (The Last unicorn)Where stories live. Discover now