So what happend?

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You woke up,it was cold but you wasn't on the floor instead you was on a blue sofa. The sofa wasn't the best but it was better than the floor. They was no sign of the pig but you saw Bigby doing some paper work. He's a busy guy alright you couldn't believe how much paper work he had on that table.

Morning,how was your rest?

Yeah it was fine,thanks for leaving me on the floor.

Right,well they is a room I've never used it has a bed,you can use you but once am not babysitting you,you can put it back like it was.

Why didn't you say? I had to sleep on the floor!

I only left you on the floor for an hour,I don't need sleep I have to much to get done.

Well am thankful you didn't leave me all night on the floor.

The room went silent until a loud knock filled the room,Bigby got up and opened the door to revel a woman with long blonde hair with a red jacket and leggings with brown high heel sandals (sorry I don't know clothing that well 😑😂) she was really pretty but she look a little worried.

She made eye contact with you and you smiled at her and waved. She didn't greet you but you wasn't mad,Bigby was a sheriff after all something must have happened.

I've got to head out,I will be back later tonight I will get Colin to keep you company so Snow doesn't get mad. Bye.

He left,he just left and went like you didn't even matter,honestly you didn't care he was attractive and fucking hot but he was a big of a dick bag. You sat down and waited,they was no tv and you didn't even have a charger to charge your phone so for now you need to make the most of your 40% on your phone.

You heard a small knock and opened the door,you though it was Colin but it wasn't he had light long blonde hair with a white t-shirt with a red star on it with a jacket. He look surprised to see you.

Jack you know where Bigby is?

He left a while ago,um do you need him? You could just tell me what you need from him and I will tell him when I get back.

Yep yep,just tell Bigby Jack was looking for him and to find me! Bye!

He quickly left and you didn't know what to think but you kept in mind someone named Jack needs Bigby. Colin never showed up,he must have been caught for forgot,you didn't mind tho you just sat and waited,you cleaned his house for him,and just waited.

It got late,finally Bigby came back. Bigby looked tired.

Someone came looking for you.


He told me his name was jack and that you should find him when you can.

Ugh,well he can wait. Where's Colin?

He never showed up.


Bigby sat down in his chair,he had a smoke and looked down at you.

I will be talking you to your apartment tomorrow so you can get some things.

Thank lord I can finally get out of this! Wait you know where I live?

Toad owns a apartment complex and every knew person who comes in I found out about. There's not much on you but that's kinda obvious since you are the last unicorn and all.

Tell the whole world why don't you.

You both laughed and it was soon getting late. You both decided to get as much rest as you could. You went into the bedroom,it was really clean and the bed was quite big. You laid down in bed and soon enough you fell asleep.

It was dark,cold. What was going on? You couldn't move,something was coming towards you,it started to get faster. You tired to run but something was holding you back.

You screamed. You looked around in panic,it was bright and you was in the bed,you held your heard the door fling wide open.

What happened?!

I- it was a bad dream..sorry,it felt so real.

Just get ready am taking you to your apartment,and please just get what you need. Don't get to much.

I don't have much.

You both got to your apartment and got your essentials,you didn't get loads but you knew you could be staying with Bigby for a while. You got your stuff and left with Bigby.

Bigby x reader (The Last unicorn)Where stories live. Discover now