One left

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Alone and afraid of what might happen if people found out about what you really was made you legs shake and your skin crawl but you was finally glad to be in a new town,Fable town. You heard a lot about this place,it's magic and it's people are to. You got your stuff and left your old home. You was a common girl but not a human. You was the last unicorn,all of the unicorns where dead. Your family are gone and you wanted to get away from the memories,you had times where you thought what happened to them or if they just left you or even died. That doesn't matter anymore you was glad you was leaving and now here.

You got out of the taxi gave the man the money you owed him and a little extra said thank you and goodbye and he drove of. Here you are in front of your new apartment. It wasn't the best place but it was good for now. You entered to be greeted by a toad..? You looked down and smiled greeting him.

Hello am new Y/N,L/N (last name) am here for the keys to my new apartment.

He looked over to you a little worried but smiled.

Yeah mate give me a second some wanker is causing a commotion but that twat will stop soon,I hope.

Well don't worry about that am sure I will be fine.

The toad gave you the keys and you began to walk upstairs. You got to your apartment opened the door and looked around. It was small and a little dirty but it had a bed,sink,sofa and a little coffee table with a bathroom. You was ready to make it better but you decided to go out and get some food since you haven't eaten today. You grabbed your bag and left. A man with a beard and a green shirt approach you. He was a dry and with a axe in his hand you slowly started to drift away and pretend nothing happened.

You got downstairs and left the apartment complex,the streets where quiet and you entered some sort of bar to be greeted by a woman with white hair.

Hello welcome what do you need?

Could I have something light maybe not to heavy? I don't want to get to drunk tonight.

The white haired woman laughed and you laughed along it seemed like you was going to be fine here.

New I guess?

Yeah just arrived today,didn't have anything to eat and here looked quite nice.

Well it can sometimes be a war zone but don't worry about that here.

She passed you a bag with some food and drink you looked inside and smiled,it smelled pretty good and the drink didn't look to much like alcohol.

Thank you so much. Um I didn't get your name.

My name is Holly what about you?

My name is Y/N am a..

You stopped yourself knowing you couldn't tell her what you was..she looked at you a little funny like she was asking you if you was okay.

Sorry..! Kinda froze there.

Your not a fucking mundie are you?

No no! Am a horse..! It's a little dump so I kinda didn't want to say.

I honestly don't care what you are,you nice just not a mundie so even better.

You left and sighed a little knowing you almost fucked up. You finally got back to your apartment got ready and went to bed but before you slept you made your apartment the way you wanted it (you guys make it the way you guys would! :) because where all different!) you got in bed and finally closed your eyes and went to sleep.

With Bigby and Snow

Bigby and snow was in his office taking,snow seemed stressed and walked back and forth across the office,Bigby didn't know what was going on and tried to get some info out of her.

Snow tell me what happened.

Ju-just I can't believe it..

Can't believe what? I have no idea why your worried I need to know so I can't help Snow.

Bigby the red bull he's back..he hasn't been back in,god in how knows long. Just the fact he is back and in fable isn't good.

The red bull? The one who hunts the unicorns and kills them or whatever people thought he did to them.

Yes him but what I didn't know until now he was and maybe still is working with the crooked man.

So that means he is probably up to no good.

Yes but we shouldn't worry the people he hasn't done anything to harm or kill so maybe he is redeeming himself..I don't know Bigby just he's dangerous.

Then what would you like snow?

Let's keep an eye on him maybe try and talk to him see if he seems ok.

Alright then,goodbye snow.

Bigby left and went to his room and sat down on his chair and fell asleep. Snow was still worried and tomorrow a new investigation might happen.

With the Crooked man.

The red bull entered with him there. The man. The crooked man.

The red bull
Hello again it's been some time since we last spoke hasn't it.

Crooked man
I thought maybe you would have stopped but no,your back once again after years of leaving us.

The red bull
So it turns into us..? There's more? Let me guess so twats who don't even know how to kill an entire species. Please give me a break. There your puppets unlike me you don't need them.

Crooked man
You are right,so tell me bull why are you back.

The red bull
There's one left

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