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You both sat there,it was silent and you was still shaken up about what happened. You didn't know what to say and by the looks of things Bigby didn't either. You both sat in silence,Bigby pulled out a cigarette and started to smoke,he looked angry but also upset,you couldn't describe it.


I dragged you into all this mess and YOU say sorry..? It should be could end up dead because of me and I don't want that...

If he did really kill all your king how come your left? Is they some reason he left you? It don't make sense to me..

You both sat there not knowing that to do now,it was late at night and leaving now could be a huge mistake,it seemed like a loss battle and you both didn't know what to do or even say,it was awkward. You both went into the living room where Bigby say on his huge blue chair while he let you sit on the floor close to him. Colin was no where to be found once again but Bigby knew he was just fine.

Are you ok down on the floor?

Yeah I'll be fine for now,I'll go to bed soon so I won't be much of a bother to you.

You have him a light smile and he patted your head and then you both just kinda did you own thing and soon enough your whole world became black.

Time skip

You slowly woke up to be in Bigbys bed,it was really warm and you didn't want to move,you looked around to see in the corner Bigby on a chair fast asleep. You never seen Bigby sleep so you quickly got up and went really close,you couldn't believe how peaceful and relaxed he looked,his smile made you face blush. He was so cute! It shocked you to see a big guy like him become a huge softy when asleep,you could go on and on but you didn't want to disturb him.

Y/N,what are you doing?

Ah! I thought you was asleep!! Don't scare me like that!

I was asleep until I heard the wood floor. Ugh what time is it?

You looked at the clock then back at Bigby,you couldn't stop looking at him,you tired to stop but couldn't,until you realised he didn't have a shirt on then you felt yourself get hot everywhere! You quickly tried to get your head out of the gutter.

It's 10am..

Jesus I slept in...

When was the last time you had a day off?

A very long time,they is many things I have to get done Y/N.

Can't you have today off? I'm sure snow won't mind she seems nice and you need it,you look umm well I don't want to sound mean but you look tired and you might want to have a wash,heh.

He gave you a annoyed look but then shrugged and left the room,once he left you heard him pick up his phone and call snow telling her he is going to have a break to 'sort things out' you felt really happy that you was going to have a break,you was so fed up hearing his name it made your blood boil and skin feel like ice,it was a horrible feeling.

There I got the day off now all I want is you to be quite today and let me rest.

Whaaaa? That's so unfair...hmm!

Bigby ignored you and ended up sitting down police files leaving you on the couch to watch tv,you was getting bored but didn't want to disturb Bigby on his "day of",he was working when he was suppose to be relaxing but nope.

There is a bar down the street if you want later we can grab something to eat I don't really want to cook,well I don't cook anyway.

Sure I'm glad I'll be out of this apartment without doing any work!

Don't start,you have the tv and Colin is great company.

Yeah if he was here,don't you ever worry about him?

He's really not my problem,if he gets caught it's his fault but he's my friend and I owe him.

That's understandable but why doesn't he have glamour? Can't he afford it?

We don't ask them questions here Y/N look hurry up and get dressed I don't want to wait anymore.

You quickly got up and went into the room and put yourself in a cute white dress with pale yellow flowers,it complimented your body but it didn't show to much skin. You had a great night with amazing food and even Bigby didn't pull a frown,you really enjoyed this day off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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