Chapter 7 - The Final Stage

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Paul's P.O.V.

My condition started to get worse in the days that followed. I can't imagine how Violet must be feeling now. I know she was devastated when I first told her, but I'm glad she doesn't hate me.

Today, I'm waiting for Violet to come over as I have been ever since she found out about the Rotterdam's. Even though I was told about having six months to live, I'm starting to feel like I only have a few days to live.

Anyway, I was going over a song that John and I recently wrote. We haven't recorded it yet, but we will at some point (if I don't die first).

Violet's P.O.V.

I made my way over to Paul's house. This time, I didn't go alone, I asked Todd to come with me because I really needed some comfort from a friend. "Rotterdam's Syndrome?" Asked Todd. "Yeah. And he said that he'll die in six months, or maybe sooner." I said. "That's terrible! I'm really sorry, Violet." Todd said. "It's fine. And thanks for agreeing to come with me. I'd ask Kevin too, but you've always been there for me whenever I needed you." I said. "Anytime, Vi." Said Todd.

We arrived at Paul's house a minute later. His door was slightly ajar, so I went in. "Paul? Hello?" I said. I found Paul sitting on his couch. He even had his guitar on his lap. As I walked closer to him, I noticed that he looked extremely pale. His condition is definitely moving faster than I feared. "Oh, good. You're here." He said. "I hope it's okay that I brought Todd." I said. "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine." Said Paul.

"Violet told me about your condition. I'm just as shocked as she is." Said Todd. "I appreciate your concern, Todd." Paul said. I sat next to him as Todd sat on another chair. "Did you and John write another song?" I asked. "We did. Would you like to hear it?" Asked Paul. "Sure." I said. Paul tunes his guitar and starts to sing when it's ready.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her, too
I love her

She gives my everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Both Todd and I clapped when he finished. I had happy tears in my eyes as well. "I love it, Paulie!" I said. "I'm glad you do, love. Let me just put my guitar away and I'll be right back." Paul said.

Paul goes upstairs and puts his guitar in his room. As soon as he came back down, he began to falter. "Paul, sweetie, are you alright?" I asked. "I... I..." Paul stuttered. He breaks into another coughing fit, leans against the wall, and slides down it to the floor. He tries to push himself up, but can't. Todd and I walk over to him. We bent down to Paul's level and I cradled him into my arms. "Come here, I've got you." I said. "Thank you." Whispered Paul.

"Todd, check his pulse." I said. Todd lifts up Paul's arm and puts his fingers on his wrist. "Paul, your pulse is very weak." He said. "Oh no." I said quietly. Paul lifts his hand up to my face. "Violet... darling... listen to me." He said. "What?" I asked.

As Paul continued to talk, his voice got quieter and his words came out much slower. "You... you have to... you have to go on without me." He said. "I can't do that! I love you!" I cried. "I love you too." Said Paul quietly. He turns his attention to Todd. "Todd, promise me... promise me that you'll... take care of Violet... please." He whispered. "I promise." Said Todd. "Thank you." Paul said. He turns back to me. "Vi..." He said quietly. "Yes, Paulie?" I asked as tears fell from my eyes. Paul started to wipe my tears away. "You... must... be... strong." He said as his words began to fade.

I watched in sadness and despair as Paul's eyes started to get heavy and droopy. "Paul, no! Keep your eyes open! Please don't close them!" I pleaded. "I'll... always... be with you." Said Paul. I cried more as his eyes closed. "Paul, wake up! Please, you have to wake up!" I begged. Paul didn't move. "Come on, Paul! Wake up, please!" I said through my tears. Paul still didn't move.

"Now what?" Todd asked. "It's the Rotterdam's! I learned that the last stage is coma!" I cried. "That can't be good." Said Todd. "Call 911 right now!" I cried. "Okay, I'll get help!" Todd said in a panic. As he reached for the phone, I continued to look down at Paul and kissed his forehead. I then pulled him close to me as I continued to cry. Todd called for an ambulance so Paul can get to the hospital, hoping the staff there can help him.

A few minutes later, Todd hangs up the phone. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I look up at him. "They said the ambulance will be here in about ten minutes." He said. "Good. I really hope they can help!" I said with my voice trembling. I looked back down at my motionless boyfriend, brushed the hair from his eyes, leaned down, and kissed his forehead again. "You're gonna be okay, Paulie. Please don't die." I said.

Todd looks down at Paul as well. "Don't lose hope, Vi. I'm sure they'll think of something." He said. "I hope you're right, bud. He means so much to me." I said as more tears fell from my eyes. "Come here." Said Todd as he held his arms out. I gently put Paul down on the floor and Todd wraps me into a hug as I continued to cry in his shoulder.

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