Chapter 9 - Marry Me

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Paul's P.O.V.

Five days later, I got out of the hospital. As I made my way home, I saw my bandmates standing outside my house. "My goodness, Paul! Where in the world have you been?!" Asked Ringo. "In the hospital." I said. "What were you doing there?" Asked George. "Okay, this has to stay between us. We can't tell the press, reporters, or even the paparazzi about what I'm going to say." I said. "Doesn't Violet deserve to know?" Asked John. "She already knows." I said. "Then tell us!" The other three Beatles said.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "I had this condition called Rotterdam's Syndrome. It caused me to repeatedly collapse, break into violent coughing fits, and make me dizzy. I was gonna be dead in six months or less if there wasn't a way to cure me. But someone was nice enough to donate blood for me, and now the disease is finally out of my system!" I explained. A huge silence hung over my mates.

"How could you keep this from us?! We need to know these things!" John said frustratingly. "John, please don't get angry at Paul. I don't blame him for being nervous to tell us certain things." George said. "I'm with George on this. Even though we found out just now, I'm glad that you're okay, mate." Ringo said.

"John?" I said as I crossed my arms. "What?" Said John. "Do you have anything to ask me?" I asked. "I suppose so. Did the doctors tell you who gave you their blood?" John asked. "No. I'm still searching for that person." I said. "Well, I hope you find him, or her soon." Said George. "Yeah. Good luck with your search." Said Ringo. "Thank you, boys. Now if you'll excuse me, I have my beautiful girlfriend to see." I said.

I said goodbye to my bandmates as I continued my way home to see Violet waiting there for me.

Violet's P.O.V.

I patiently waited for Paul to get home from the hospital. I sat on his couch while strumming my guitar. I'm planning on singing my new song for Paul when he walks in. The door swung open, and there was my Paulie! I smiled as I saw him open his arms. I put my guitar down and ran over to him as he trapped me into a super tight hug. "I missed you so much!" I said. "I missed you too. But I'm still curious to know something." Said Paul. "What is it, baby?" I asked. "The doctor never told me who gave me blood and cured me." Paul said.

A moment of silence occurred. I spoke up after a minute. "The answer is standing right in front of you, Paulie." I said. Paul's eyes widen. "It was you?!" He asked excitedly. "Yes. The person who donated blood for you was me." I said. A huge smile appears onto Paul's face. He then lifted me up and spun me around a few times. "Oh my goodness gracious, Violet! I can't believe it!! You saved my life! Thank you so much!!" He said excitedly. He puts me down after a minute.

"I had to do it, sweetie. I couldn't just stand around and let you die." I said. "You'll never know how grateful I am, darling. You really saved me." Said Paul. He kisses my cheek afterwards. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you too. I brought my guitar, by the way." I said. "Oh? Did you write another song?" Paul asked. "I did. Would you like to hear it?" I asked. "Baby girl, I'd never say no to hearing you sing." Said Paul. The two of us walked over to Paul's couch as we sat down and I grabbed my guitar. I then started to sing my new song for my Paulie.

Dreams to dream
In the dark of the night
When the world goes wrong
I can still make it right

I can see so far in my dreams
I'll follow my dreams
Until they come true

Come with me
You will see what I mean
There's a world inside
No one else ever sees

You will go so far in my dreams
Somewhere in my dreams
Your dreams will come true

There is a star
Waiting to guide us
Shining inside us
When we close our eyes

Don't let go
If you stay close to me
In my dreams tonight
You will see what I see

Dreams to dream
As near as can be
Inside you and me
They always come true

Paul clapped for me after I finished. "That was beautiful, my little flower!" He said. "Consider it a welcome home present." I said. I kissed Paul on his cheek. "I hope you're ready for your present." He said. "You got me something too?" I asked. "Yes, ma'am. Please stand up." Paul said.

As we both stood up from our seats, Paul took both of my hands. "Violet, even though I didn't know right away that it was you that saved me from my Rotterdam's Syndrome, I always knew you'd be there to give me all your love. Now that I'm not gonna die from the disease, and that it's finally out of my system, I can finally ask you this question." He said.

I could feel my heartbeat pick up as Paul got down on one knee and pulled out a tiny box. He opened it to reveal a ring. An engagement ring! "Violet Marie Redfield, will you marry me?" Asked Paul. "Oh my gosh, I've been waiting for so long for the right guy to ask me!! Since I found my true love, of course I'll marry you, Paul!" I said excitedly. Paul takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger. He then pulls me in for the most romantic kiss I've ever shared with him.

Violet's song for Paul. It came out in the 90's in real life. It's also played in a movie called An American Tail: Fievel Goes West, later sung by Linda Ronstadt. Tap the thumbnail to hear the song. ~ Amanda

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