Chapter 5 - Paul's Condition

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Violet's P.O.V.

Weeks went by as my relationship with Paul became closer than ever. The weekend is also here and Paul invited me over to his house. On the way over, I ran into Todd. "Violet! I'm so glad I ran into you!" He said. "Hey, Todd. I'm on my way over to see Paul." I said. "That's nice. How's it going between you two?" Asked Todd. "Wonderful! He's such a gentleman!" I said with a smile.

Todd smiles as well and gives me a pat on the back. "I'm glad to hear you found someone who makes you happy." He said. "Me too." I said. Before continuing on my way, I said goodbye to Todd. As soon as I reached Paul's house, he was sitting on his front step while smoking a cigarette. He smiles when he sees me. "There you are, sweetheart! I was hoping you'd be here at some point!" He said. "I'd never turn down an invitation of visiting my boyfriend." I said.

Paul winks at me, throws his cigarette onto the ground, and stomps it out. He then offers me his arm as we enter his house. "Can I get you anything? A snack? Maybe water?" He asked. "I actually had lunch before I left my house." I said. Paul nods at my words. "Come with me to my room. There's something I'd like to show you." He said.

As the two of us walk up the stairs, we made our way to Paul's room. Once we got there, I saw an amazing painting of us. "Oh... my... GOSH!!!" I said. "Do you like it?" Asked Paul. "Like it?! I love it! Oh, I could kiss you right now!!" I said excitedly. I immediately pressed my lips against Paul's as we kissed. After we let go, our foreheads touched. "Where did you get this amazing painting?" I asked. "I actually didn't get it, I painted it!" Paul said.

My eyes widened. "You never told me that you could paint!" I said with a smile. "I did it from the heart." Paul said. He kisses my cheek afterwards and smiles. A minute later, his smile disappears as his head began to spin. "Uhhh! I don't feel so good all of a sudden!" He said. "Are you okay? Do you need to lay down?" I asked. "I think I do." Said Paul. I guided him over to his bed. He collapses to the ground before we got close enough to it.

I let out a gasp as I watched my boyfriend hit the floor. I dropped down to my knees and turned Paul's body towards me. I then met his face with mine. He opens his eyes once we're facing each other. "What was that?!" I asked worriedly. "Sorry. I just felt a sudden rush of blood through my head." Paul said. "Are you sure that's all it is?" I asked. "I'm positive." Said Paul. I helped him up after a minute.

"Has this happened to you before?" I asked. "Last night, when I arrived home." Paul said. "I guess after spending a lot of time moving around, it makes you dizzy." I said. "Pretty much, yeah." Said Paul. Throughout the rest of my time at Paul's house, he seemed okay. We said goodbye to each other and I made my way home. My mom greeted me at the door. "Welcome back, Vi. How's the handsome man of yours?" She asked. "Great. He was a little dizzy at one point, but he's okay now." I said.

My mom gives me a thumbs up as my family and I got ourselves ready for dinner. I was quiet most of the time until my dad made conversation. "Everything okay, honey bunch?" He asked. "Oh yeah. Just great." I said. "Are you still thinking about when Paul was dizzy earlier?" My mom asked. "What do you mean, Prudence?" Asked my dad. "Well, Violet told me that Paul felt dizzy at one point." Said my mom. "Oh my!" My dad said. "He's fine now. Nothing serious, I hope." I said.

After dinner, I went up to my room. I wanted to make another song, but I was worried about Paul. He told me about his condition of feeling dizzy and I fear it might be something much worse. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the phone ring from downstairs. I rushed to answer it.


"Violet?" Said the voice. "Yeah it's me." I said. "Oh good. It's Paul, by the way." Paul said. He sounded a little upset. "Is something wrong, sweetie? You don't sound like yourself." I said. "Yes, there's definitely something bugging me." Said Paul. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'd rather not say it over the phone. Meet me at my house tomorrow afternoon and I'll tell you what I wanna say." Paul said. "Okay." I said.

Our phone conversation ended. "Who was that, honey?" Asked my mom. "Paul. He has something to tell me, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow." I said. "Why tomorrow?" My mom asked. "He didn't feel comfortable saying it over the phone." I said. "That's understandable." Said my mom. I nodded at her words.

I went back to my room after a minute and got ready for bed. After getting under the covers, I tried to fall asleep, but my mind kept wandering back to Paul. I'm really nervous about what he has to tell me. I just hope it's nothing serious.

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