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This has been sitting in my drafts for god knows how long and I still can't publish it. So imma just throw it out there.
😩idk why i struggle to write stories when I know how I'm gonna write the it 🤌
I'll try to start writing again but it's not exactly a promise👉👈

⚜️ ——————————— ⚜️


You sighed deeply. As you ran your fingers though your hair, you feel the blazing hot sun on your skin making you sweat.

(Outfit of the day😀)

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(Outfit of the day😀)

"oye, mira a esa chica americana" you heard a Mexican man call you America girl. You sighed.

"soy italiana, estúpido" you said to the man, calling him stupid as you told him you were Italian, not American. clearly you knew Spanish as well.

(Sorry if you don't know Spanish I'll translate)

"Wh-what did you say to me stupid girl?!" The Mexican man said as he came up to you with an fist ready to hit you.
As he threw a punch, you where quick and easily blocked his punch.

"Get your nasty fingers away from me!" You said as you used self defense.
"I like Mexicans, but not jerks like you" you said.

"Hijo de su puta madre!" The man cursed in Spanish.
"Your going to pay for that!" He said ready to throw another punch, just as you where ready to fight yourself. Someone interrupted your fun.

"Hey, leave the lady alone" said a boy, he had brown messy hair, around the same age as you.

"Who the hell are you? You reek of a white man" said the man.

Soon, the boy grabbed the man in a head lock.
"Leave the girl alone" he said. The man that the boy had locked seem to slowly suffocate.

Soon the boy released him as he had enough.

"No mames wey! Let's get out of here!" Said the man as he left in a hurry.

"Well, I guess my knight in shining armor came to rescue me today" you said sarcastically.

The boy smiled.
"You Can say that, a pretty girl like you shouldn't have to handle men like that" said the boy flirting.

You smiled and flirted back.
"Yeah? Well I'm glad a strong man like you showed up, but I can handle myself thank you" you said.

"Well, May I learn the name of the princess I saved?" He said.

"Mmh very well, y/n" you said.

"Joseph, Joseph Joestar " he said.

"Joseph Joestar huh?" You repeated his name to remember.

"You can call me JoJo for short" he said as he leaned closer to you.

"Jojo... that's easier to remember" You said.

"You have such beautiful eyes, has anyone ever told you that?" He said as he looked into your eyes.

Your eyes were two different colors.
One emerald green, and the other e/c.

"So I've been told, having two different colors for eyes isn't exactly as common..." you said smiling at Jojo. You hate to admit. He was cute.

"Well then, as amazing as our time together was, I need to get going" he said as he got on his bike.

"Very well Jojo, May we meet again" you said to him.
And as someone you will never see again you planted a kiss on his cheek goodbye.

"Till next time Jojo" you waved.

"Till next time y/n" he said as he puts his goggles to protect his eyes from the sand.
"By the way, that locket of yours is flattering on you" he said.

Soon you watched him speed away on his bike.

You smiled.

"Jojo huh? If only my brother meet you, ha! He'd have a fit" you said laughing as you opened your locket to see a family picture.

You closed the locket and ran your finger on the diamond start

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You closed the locket and ran your finger on the diamond start.

"Joe-star... ahah, cute... I like starts"


By the way if you're new to my books, I don't usually do chapters this short, it'll get longer as they go, hopefully the second chapter is! 💕💕

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