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Pandora Gray

I sip a little bit more of my black coffee, then put it down and swirl it with my finger. It's four fucking A.M, and I haven't been able to sleep. I've tried reading Emma by Jane Austen, which I've almost completed (im starting to, because I've heard it's very good, my teacher recommended it) , I've tried taking milk and exercise, but nothing is working. I just can't seem to fall asleep so here—

"Can't sleep either?" Harry walks out in his pyjamas, hands in pocket. I nod, still stirring my coffee, "I'm going for a walk. Coming with?" He slips on his shirt, then his jacket, then puts on his shoes. "It's dark out, but I guess not too dark."

"Why not?" I shrug and go over to the coat rack, zip up my jacket and let down my hair,leaving my bunny slippers on. "Let's go." We walk out the door, into the crisp air hitting our faces.  We walk down the stairs and turn the corner, walking the desolated sidewalk.

"You know," he pauses, "they say if you're awake at four am, you're either in love or lonely, and in all honesty, I'm not sure which is worse." In all honesty, neither am I.

"Both are living hell." I open my eyes wider, trying not to squint. "Maybe I'm awake because cool kids don't sleep."

"But you're not cool." I turn to him, and give him a glare, "it's the truth babe."

"Fuck you."

"I do it with my hand every night," he winks, and I whack him. "Whoops." He laughs, "on a more serious note though, why are you awake?"

"I just," I shrug, "can't sleep. You?"

"Too much on the mind, I reckon."

"Same," I don't want to push him what he's thinking about, but at the same time I do, "What about?"

"My mother, Gemma, actually I only have one question for her, but regardless, you, um, Louis and Niall and Ashlyn and Nina and I say 'and' too much, okay."

"About me," I laugh, "why?"

"Just because of how we met."

"You were drunk, and in a gold thong." He shrugs, "never really got to know you once I moved in."

"The name's Harry Styles, I like food, and Paramore slays all."

"I'm Are— I mean," shit. Shit, shit. "Pandora Gray, I like Little Mix and food also."  We both laugh, pretending to be strangers is weird since we know so much about each other.

"What's your jam at the moment?"

"Almost every damn song on the radio. You?"

"All About That Bass," he makes a kissy face, "no treble." I laugh loudly, he shakes his hips and starts singing the song.

"There's only one of all of the people we know that could bring booty back." I say, and then stop.

"Louis." We say simultaneously, and then fist bump.

"He has an arse... I'd tap that if I was gay." I raise my eyebrows.

"I'd tap that regardless can I get an amen."

"Amen. We only know that Ash is getting the ass." I shudder, at the thought of my two fri—


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