fifty four.

131 11 5

Harry Styles

"Pandora, if you ever hear this,  which at some point you probably will, since this is on a CD, I love you.

And I don't know why.

I really don't.

You've taken me through hell and back, and I sometimes wonder why I give as much of a damn about you as I do, but then I remember that you're a little bitch that I'm hopelessly in love with."


Pandora Gray

"Good morning, Pandy. How are you? Mum made food if you want some." Minji greets, her hair in a bun. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did." I lie through my teeth, then Lucas comes in holding a plate of eggs and bacon, and swiftly thrusts it into my hands. "Hey, thanks, free food."

"You and I are going to get along real well." Minji and I high five, "mum is going to be out all day, so you're stuck with me. . . and Luke." She says the last part distastefully as she clicks her tongue.

"I was on a train with her for six hours, and she tolerated me, so ha." Luke sticks out his tongue and his sister laughs.

"Hey, Luke's pretty cool." I butt in, stopping their little argument. It sounds too much like one Jenna, Nina or Ashlyn and I would have, and it makes me just a tad homesick. "Pretty talented too, he sang on the train." Luke grins.

"He sings all the damn time, he's pretty good though  I'll give him that."

"Pretty good?"

"Alright, you're bloody amazing. You should be in a band or something." She laughs, then turns to me," so, you're our guest, what would you want to do today? "


super short because im supposed to be studying and I'm not so yay woo

so people have been asking me what's on my wattpad Christmas list ((this is a thing??))  so here it is:

if someone were to ever write something about Louis and I  I think that I'd love you forever okay.


Ash xx

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