Chapter 1

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"Bye bye" with the psycho smile on his face, another scream can be heard as the person stabbed by the leader of XM gang. Lee Minho but goes by Lee Know on mission. The gang just finished killing YG gang and the reason is because the gang found our their location.

"That's five for you today. Pretty little" Hyunjin said with an arm in his hand

"Throw that away, stink" Minho said making disgust face

"I thought you love the smell" Felix said after cleaning his mess

"That one is dry. So it's stink. Now help me clean this mess" Minho said and start pick up the body



"Jisung! Come down" Mrs.Han call for his son

"Yes mom? " Jisung sat down in front of his mom

"I know tommorow is your first day but I need to go out station tommorow morning for work .So I-" Mrs.Han stop when he sees his son's puppy eyes and cute pout

"Awww don't make that face Sungie" Mrs.Han goes to hug his son who hug her back

"It's only for two months"
"That's long" Jisung whine
"Don't worry, I request someone to acompany you. It's my friends son. He will be living here and he will come tommorow. Okay? "
"Okayy" he says in low voice
"Okay now let's watch TV"She said and turn it on immediately regret it cause it's the news

"Reported, A gang more specifically YG gang which have been reported for robbering has been found kill but the body are all in the trash bin and no trace of who the murder is. The body was found wh-" the TV was turn off by Mrs.Han

"Okay! Now let's go sleep honey" She really don't want her son watch or listen to anything dangerous

--------the next day

"Mom I'm ready" Jisung about to go out when his mom call him

"Ah wait. You need to wait for someone, he will walk you to school".

"Who? "Just as he said that. A knock can be heard. Jisung goes to open it

"Yes who is it" Jisung was meet with a man or boy. Not that bad looking. The boy stare at Jisung for a good minute until mrs.Han come

"Yeongbom! You early! "
"Who is this? " Jisung ask

"Jisung, this is Yeongbom. This is the son that I tell you. Yeongbom this is Jisung. He's one year younger than you. Please take care of him"

"Yes ma'am"

"Aw don't be so formal. Jisung I'll be gone while you in school okay? "

"Okay" Jisung bid his mom goodbye

"Behave okay. I hope you find a boyfriend when I return" She smile happily and she takes notice her son is gay. Well that's normal these day.
 ̄ 3 ̄

"Mom!! "Jisung blush while Yeongbom chuckle

"Let's go shall we, Jisung? " he said smiling.



"Yo!"Hyunjin greet his friends and throw his arm around his best friend shoulder "we have a new student"

"Don't care" Minho said bluntly

"Heard he's always get confession at his old school. He must be cute then. And he's gay" Felix said ignoring the glare his boyfriend give when he's said 'cute'.

"Oohh this is your chance Minho! "Hyunjin said

"As I said. Don't care "

"I bet 100$ if you stare at him more than a minute. Deal? " Hyunjin ask wiggling his eyebrows

"Why would I? I said I don't care"

"Ooo scared?? " He just know how to lured his bestfriend. Minho hate the word lose and hell to experience it.

"Fine. Deal" Minho sigh

"I think Hyunjin gonna lose again"
Felix said

"Nahh, I think he's gonna win this time. Didn't you said the new student is cute? " Changbin said glaring at Felix

"Oo dont be jealous Binnie!" Felix smile and hug the older

"Where's Seungmin? " Hyunjin ask

As he said that they already at the class and found Seungmin at his desk reading.

"Found him" Minho said as he goes to his desk which have five letter.

As Seungmin notice them he pick up two plastic bag which fill with letter

"Here's for Minho and Hyunjin. Not much tho.I didn't notice those five. They weren't there earlier" He said as he hand them the plastic

"Imagine their locker"Changbin said which get slapped on his arm by Minho

"I'm tired of this. There at least 10 which have the same things to read. It's boring" Minho said as he slump on his chair.

"Well try date one then. It's fun " Hyunjin said

"For a hoe like you, yes it's fun. Its actually disgusting seeing you eating random face" Seungmin snapped at Hyunjin like he always do

"Aww is someone jealous? "

"I despise you" Seungmin said bluntly

"Whoop whoop, Hyunjin got rejected again by Seungmin" Felix laugh

Their conversation cut off by the teacher come in with a boy behind her

"Okay class goes to your seat. Today we have new student"


Seat arrangements :

                     White Board

                 口     口     口     口     口
               Girl  Boy  Girl  Boy Girl
                 口     口     口     口     口
               Girl  Girl  Boy   J.S    F.L
                 口     口     口     口     口
               Boy  Girl Girl  M.H S.M

                口     口     口     口     口
              Girl  Girl  Girl  H.J  C.B


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