Chapter 15

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After their moments together, they decide to meet up with the others.

"So, Changbin hyung, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix kill too? " Jisung ask while they walking.

"Yes, but they kill less then me. Maybe because I'm the leader. " Minho half lied again.

"But I can promise you that none of us gonna give you some harm. " Minho said.

"Well, I don't care anymore since I know Hyungie won't kill good guys" Jisung said smiling.

"And Jisung, please promise me that you are not gonna tell anyone about this, gang or killing activities."
Minho said and Jisung giving him a confuse look

"Why? " "just don't okay. It's gonna worry anyone. " "not even mom? "
"Not even Jiyun. I think I'll tell her personally " Minho said and Jisung nod. "Okay!  I promise! " Jisung said and intertwined their pinky finger.
• • • • •

They all except Minho, crash to Jisung with a big hug as they cried together

"Thank you Jiungiee!! Waaa!!  We thought we could lost you there!!! " Felix whined

finally they release Jisung from their bone crush hug.

"Hyungie said you guys kill bad guys. Means you guys are good guys! " Jisung said cheerfully. They take a quick glance at Minho with a confuse look but back to their happy look toward Jisung.

"Yes! We're all good! " Felix said

"Now let's go have some fun! "

----time skip (sorry>_<)now they just got back and on their way home!

They about to enter the house when suddenly someone shout for Jisung's name.

"SUNGIE! " Both Jisung and Minho turn their head toward the voice.
Jisung widen his eyes and smile. He run toward the person and hug him leaving Minho and his jealousy.

"I miss you! " Jisung said and the person reply ."I miss you too! "

"What are you doing here? " Jisung asked. Minho already went in the house to put their bag and stuff while cursing at the person.

"The school give us a week off! So I thought about stay over yours for three days? " The person said.

"But I have school" "thats okay. We can spend time with each other after school. It's only for three days"

"Okay! I want to spend time with you too! " Jisung said as he take the person's hand and drag him to the house. As they reach the door they meet with Minho who about to go to them.

"Ahh hyungie. I'm sorry but this is Jihwan. Im Jihwan. My friend from my old school. He want to stay over, can he? " Jisung said with his puppy eyes, while Minho frowns, and the person so called Jihwan confuse as to who is this person if front of them.

Minho want to say no obviously but this is Jisung's house and the puppy eyes he gives him, -like Minho can resist it.

"This is your house Jisung. It's your choice" Minho said sincerely as he could.

"Jisung who's this? " Jihwan asked.

"Oh sorry hyungie I didn't introduce you. This is Minho hyungie. My boyfriend!! " Jisung said as he hug the older arms. Jihwan's mood drops. "Oh" is all he gives them.
There's some awkward silence with Jihwan and Minho having a staring contest. until Jisung broke it.

"Jihwan! Where's your stuff? " Jisung asked. "In my bag" he said as he turn around a bit to show his backpack which Jisung just notice it.

"Let's go inside" Jisung said as he drag the both of them. As they entered the house Jisung suddenly realize something.

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