Chapter 6

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After school--

"Where's Jisung? " Minho ask. After the class end, Jisung suddenly gone from his sight.

"He's already going. Probably because of Yeongbom. " Felix said.

"Him again?! "Minho almost yelled.
They walk out from the class to get home. "So I can kill him right? "Minho suddenly said. "Who? " Hyunjin ask

"That Yeongbom of course. Now I know Jisung's mom, I can get her permission after his death. " Minho said confidently.

"And how are you gonna do that? And Jisung'll be terrified " Hyunjin said.

"I'll have my ways. " Minho said creepily smiling. "Anyways, let's hang out I'm bored" Minho said

"Jisung's not here of course you'll be bored. " Changbin said

"You know me well"

"Whatever let's hang out !" Felix said.


"Yeongbom hyung, let's go out!! ~~I'm boreddd" Jisung whine

"Okay, where to? " Yeongbom chuckled

"There's this new plushie store and I saw a cute plushiee. I want it" Jisung said making the older chuckled

"Okay let's go"

"Yeah!! "

• • • •

After they bought the plushie, they just walking around the mall .

"Yeongbom hyung, that's Minho hyung and the others. Let go to them! " Jisung said. Before Yeongbom declined the offered, Jisung already running to Minho. He sigh in annoyance and started walking to them. 'Can't you just give us our moment? ' Yeongbom thought.

"Minho hyungie!! " Minho turn around confuse as to why he was hearing a familiar voice. Just as he turn around he was bear hugged by Jisung. Minho yelped in surprise.

"Jisung! What are you doing here? " Felix ask smiling as he see Jisung.

"And alone? " Minho ask which Jisung shook his head.

"I want to buy this plushie so Yeongbom hyung bought it for me" Jisung said smiling and show them his bunny plushie. "Yes I bought that" Yeongbom said as he get to them. Minho face shows annoyance and jealousy.

"Well since you're here, let's hangout together? " Minho ask and Jisung nod.

Yeongbom can't do anything as they all already walking. He just glare at them even thought no one notice it.

After their hangout Minho suddenly approach Yeongbom whispering to him. "Remember this, Jisung is mine. You do something to him again, you won't be seeing anything the next day. " as he he finished, he went back to the others and bid his bye to Jisung after he kissed Jisung's temple. Jisung just stood there blushing while Minho smirk at Yeongbom. Claiming Jisung as his.

But Yeongbom didn't listen. He'll never thought Minho will do anything so he keep trying to get Jisung.

---------the next day at school(wah)

'Did you hear, another murder happen'

'Why is it happen nearby our school? '

'I hope the murderer won't be here'

The school whispered because a few cases or murder have happened nearby the school.
The last cases, it's outside the school.

So because of this Yeongbom trying to protect Jisung which mean he'll not leave the younger outside of school. Nor he will with anybody. But like he can do that against Minho.

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