Chapter 7

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Hyunjin face shows shock and surprised.

"You did that?! You're very crazy! " Hyunjin said which Minho just nodded.

"Yes I did and I am crazy. You all know" Minho simply said.

"Crazy for Jisung. I've never seen so possessive before." Hyunjin stated which Minho agreed. They started to walk back to the others

"So what now? " Hyunjin ask
"I'll try to stay over with Jisung and asked for Jiyun's permission. I'm sure the news will spread to her. " Minho said.

"whatever you say my crazy friend." Hyunjin sigh.


"Where were you guys?"Felix ask. "Jisung's here breaking down and you guys missing like that?! "

"And the teacher said we can go home 3 days off due to the accident." Changbin said and he walk closer to them both "and Jisung can't stop say sorry to Yeongbom"he whisper.
Minho swear he's going to make Jisung forget about Yeongbom

"Let's go home? We can stay over if you want Jisung" Felix ask softly knowing the latter will be scared alone but Jisung shook his head.

"I-i don't w-want to be a burden" Jisung said between his sob.

"Don't said that, you're not a burden" Minho said.

"How about this, I can stay over tonight. You guys can go home and 'keep an eyes' with the surrounding. That way you won't feel like a burden. " Minho suggest

"Yea we can do that. We gonna come later to bring Minho's clothes and hangout " Felix said and Jisung nod


On the way to Jisung's house, Jisung was clinging to Minho because he was still afraid. Minho pat his back and head for comfort. Minho obviously love clingy Jisung. They finally get to the house and enter it.

"Go change first. I'll make something to eat. " Minho said and about to go when Jisung tugged on his sleeves.

"I'm scared to be alone.. " Jisung said looking down. Minho becomes very soft and a company Jisung to his room. But he still stays outside to give Jisung his time changing. Minho said that he'll wait for Hyunjin to bring his clothes.

Once Jisung's finished, they go downstairs to cook their lunch since they haven't eaten anything yet because of the incident. They cook for the others too.

"I didn't know you can cook, Hyungie" Jisung said in his tiny voice.

"Well someone need to cook in the house or starve" Minho joked which make Jisung giggles. Minho glad that he can make Jisung smile.

While Minho is cooking, the doorbell rang and Jisung goes to open the door revealing the other four. "Hey Jisung!! You're good now?" Felix ask cheerfully which the latter nodded.
"Minho hyung, I bring your clothes!" Hyunjin yell which Minho yell back in response. "I smell food!! "Felix ask running to the kitchen. How did he know where the kitchen is? He followed the direction of the smell.

"I'll put his clothes in the room." Jisung said and Hyunjin give the bag of clothes to him. Everyone else went to the dining table.

After Minho finished cooked their lunch, they all dig in happily. Minho makes a lot but they finished it fast.

"I'm stuffed!!" Felix said
"Me too" Hyunjin said
"Alright, I'm gonna go change " Minho stood up and go to the room to change
As soon as Minho out of sight,

"Hey Jisung, do you like Minho hyung? " Felix ask straight-forward.
Jisung who was drinking his water spit it out and it sprayed all over Felix's face who was sitting in front of him.

"IM SORRY! " Jisung stood up to grab a napkin and clean Felix's face.

"So Jisung, you like Minho? " this time it's Hyunjin who ask and Jisung started to blush and wipe Felix's faces aggressively while replying,

"L-l-like Hyungie?! Ye-NO I mean yes but no! I admire him at how brave is him! N-n-not 'like' in that way!! No! " Jisung stuttered almost yelling while still aggressively wiping Felix's face which is already dry.

"Jisung! " Felix voice was muffled by the napkin. Jisung realize it and quickly back off apologize. "OMG IM SORRY FELIX! " "Don't worryy. But wow you're strong than you look" Felix teased and got light slap on his arm by Jisung.

"So you don't like him" Hyunjin said

"NO-I don't -wait no I like-wait-" Jisung suttered

"So you love him? " Seungmin said bluntly and Jisung started to blush harder

"NO I DONT..... I don't know" Jisung admitted. He was very confuse of his own feeling.

"Well so, does your heart pounding when you're near him?  Felix ask which Jisung nod

"Do you feel like you want Minho's attention almost everytime" Hyunjin ask and he nod again

"Do you always thinking about Minho " Changbin ask and he nod again

"You're in love" Seungmin stated simply and Jisung stood there blushing didn't move a muscle .

"We broke him" they all said in unison.

"Hey guys, what are you guys talking about? " Minho ask as he return after changing. Jisung turn around in a second and yelled while blushing


"Wut? " Minho is very confuse.

"Nothing" the four said in unison. They all got up to follow Jisung leaving Minho.

It's almost night when the four decide to go home. Minho sleep in the guest room while Jisung in his own.

Minho didn't sleep instead wondering off thinking what to do for Jisung tomorrow until the sound of door open taking his attention. Minho turn around to see Jisung poking his head inside. Minho sat up after seeing the younger.

"Whats wrong Sungie? " Minho ask softly

"I.. Cant sleep. Can hyungie sleep with me? " Jisung ask shyly. He's still scared about the murder this morning even after the fun he had just now. Minho smile softly and get up walking toward Jisung .

"Are you still scared? " Minho ask gently and Jisung nod cutely pouting. Minho's heart melt at the view but he'll never say 'no' to Jisung anyways.

"Alright. Let's go to your room" Minho said. Jisung still trouble to sleep so Minho sing a lullaby for him and then Jisung sleep soundless cuddling to Minho. Minho took this chance to take a few picture of sleeping Jisung and turn one as his phone's wallpaper.

"I love you too Jisungie" Minho whispered softly. Minho have heard the conversation earlier but act like he didn't. He was overjoyed knowing Jisung love him back. Now, what left is claiming Jisung as his.


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