Chapter 4

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--at night

"Ten! I got ten corpse tonight! Ahh that's feel great" Minho said happily after he killed the last person

"That's fast. You mad or somethin?" Hyunjin asked as he drag a body away to clean the mess

"No, except that fucker has his hand on my squirrel and who knows what might they do in his house" Minho said clearly jealous

"Squirrel ?" Changbin asked
"It's Jisung" Hyunjin said
"Well he does look like one" Felix said

"And wow Minho hyung, what do you think they'll do? For an innocent squirrel like Jisung, they probably cuddling or do homework together" Hyunjin said and immediately regretting it when he see Minho indescribable face

"I've shouldn't said that"
"Yea you shouldn't " Seungmin said

"I'm sure there's more people left hiding, I want to kill more" Minho said and start searching for more people

"I'm sure there's none left Hyung. Let's go back, it's started to stink here" Felix said

"I want to kill"

Nononono, leaves that energy for next time. Now let's go I'm tired! " Changbin said as he already walking away

The whole ride home, Minho keep cursing at Yeongbom for stealing Jisung and the others just keep quiet not wanting to snap Minho

------------the next day

This time, Jisung walk in the school with Yeongbom beside him. That's until someone wrap their arms around Jisung's tiny waist.

Jisung and Yeongbom turn around only to see Minho backhugging Jisung again while resting his head on the younger shoulder. Yeongbom getting angry and jealous while Jisung's blushing because their face is only inches away.

"H-hyung! Where's the others? "He manage to ask in a calm way but still blushing. Minho's like the younger reaction. "They're on their way. Let's go to class first shall we? " Minho said and about to walk with Jisung in his embrace when Jisung stop him. "Ah, okay then. Yeongbomhyung, I want to eat lunch with them, can I? " Jisung ask
"No, of course not. Didn't you see their attitude yesterday? " Yeongbom snap "b-but, they're all good and fun" Jisung said and pout and Minho had enough with how Yeongbom order him around."YOU said that we are friends didn't you yesterday? It's not good to lie and you can't tell others what to do. Jisungie here have his own life too. What kind of hyung are you?" Minho snapped and hug Jisung tighter. "You-FINE you can, Jisung .But if I know you guys did something to him, you'll dead" Yeongbom snapped "oo I'm sure you'll be the one to die" Minho teased. Minho decide to drag Jisung in his embrace to class.

"You guys not gonna die right? " Jisung ask almost crying at the thought. Minho just chuckle and pat Jisung's head "of course not Jisung. We're just joking around. And you need to 'say' instead of asking. " Minho said. "What do you mean? " Jisung ask "when you want to do something, just say it, don't ask for permission" Minho explain "Okay then! I'll do that. "Jisung said

They arrive at their class and Jisung is struggling to sit because of Minho who refuse to let go. Eventually he let go once he see the younger puffed his cheeks and pout and sulking(but still blushing). Minho become weak at the view, and Jisung escape him when his embrace loosening

Jisung sits happily at his seat while giving the older bright gummy smile. (Just so you know, they early so they're the only one in the class) Minho-for the first time in his life- blushing so he look away from the younger who look at him confuse. At the moment, the other students including their friends just arrive at the class and discover an unbelievable scene, a blushing and shy Minho.

"Hyung are you bLUsHInG?!" Hyunjin yelled sprinting to Minho and shaking him "WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE DID YOU HIDE OUR MINHO HYUNG?! " He shout snapping Minho from his blushing. Minho push Hyunjin away from him" Shup up, Hyunjean." Minho said in his usual 'cool' tone but still avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"Congratulations Jisung, you just make a jewel melt. "Changbin said while he put his hand on Jisung's shoulder. "Ehh? What did I do? "He ask innocently. "Ahh, you'll know eventually" Felix said

"Jisung, someone want to see you" Seungmin said making everyone's head turn to him. "Who is it? " Jisung ask as he goes to see who.
"I don't know. Ask her" Seungmin said and goes to his seat. "Her?" Minho ask. "Well you guess it. She's holding a letter in her hand" Seungmin said. Suddenly all the students feel dark aura radiating strongly around the class. "Yah, don't let out that side Minho hyung." Its gonna kill us. " Hyunjin said. Seconds after that Jisung comes in the class blushing.

"So now why are you blushing? " Felix ask Jisung as he sit . "Umm.. The girl said she like me and she give me this. She said she want to hear my answer. " Jisung said as he show the letter. "Well didn't you get through this before? What did you always do? "Seungmin ask and Jisung nod

"I just said no and go. Is that rude? I always thought it is" Jisung ask

"Well yes it's rude but in fact, it's a good choice. Because then they not gonna bother you. " Seungmin said and he nod again

"You're going to say no right Ji? " Minho suddenly ask which Jisung nod "beside, I don't even know her" Jisung said. "Good because you're mine" He said making Jisung blush again. "W-what? "He stuttered. Minho stand up and hug Jisung from the back and peck his cheek before he go back to his seat like nothing happened. Jisung was very surprise and a blusing mess, you can even see the heat(or smoke?) coming out from his body. Jisung covered his face with his arms on the tables trying to calm down.

"Smooth move." Hyunjin said which Minho just smirk. The teacher come in and the class started. Minho was watching Jisung the whole time as Jisung was still red beef.


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