Chapter 5

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A week has past and Minho and Yeongbom constantly flirting trying to get Jisung. Both were jealous of each other when they see Jisung blushing because of the other but almost all the blush means nothing but instead it was because he was just embarrassed like normal person. Except for that one day, followed by heart pounding and a new feeling.

At lunch
Jisung were ordered to bring the art supplies to the art room and Minho insist on helping him making the whole class even the teacher surprised that Minho want to help.

Minho being the gentleman he is, carrying the heavy stuff while Jisung carry the lighter stuff.

As they were walking carrying the stuff to the art room, they were talking happily with each other and Jisung grew more comfortable with Minho but still fluster with the flirty side of his.

They arrived at the art room and put everything in the place. Jisung need to put a statue ( you know for sketching ) in the top shelf with the other statues. But the shelf is kind of tall and Jisung being the clumsy person he is, trip on his shoelace while tip toeing and fell while still trying to put the statue. Jisung close his eyes tightly and just waiting for the pain but nothing happen except that he feel arm around him.

"Geez Jisung, be careful. Need to protect that pretty face of yours. " Jisung shot his eyes open to see Minho staring at him with the statue in one of his hand.Minho's face is an ethereal beauty and is very close to him as well. Jisung's heart's pounding very fast, he feels something tingling in him. Jisung has never feels something like that before but he knew that he like the feeling. He then look at their position, Minho was kneeling one leg with Jisung in one of his arm and the statue in his other hand.

Jisung blush madly and got out of the position and Minho put the statue easily at the top of the shelf.

(You know... Let's imagine Jisung is 1cm shorter than Changbin (:  )

"I'm sorry" Jisung said quietly, looking down still blushing.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone's clumsy" Minho comfort him.

"But still, be careful. We can't have a pretty face ruin can we? " Minho said

"Hyungie's the one with pretty face" Jisung mumbled very quiet but Minho still can hear him due to the silent room and his hearing practice.
Minho smirk and decide to tease the younger

"What was that? Can you say that again. " Minho said leaning his face closer to the younger who face's now blood colour which Minho find cute.

"It's n-n-nothing.. U-um Hyungie y-your f-face is t-too cl-ose" He stuttered totally embarrassed

"Oh is there a problem with that? I mean, it's not like you have a feeling for me. Do you? " Minho said leaning more but Jisung shot up standing "L-lets go Hyungie, the o-others is waiting" Jisung doesn't even wait for the older as he rush out from the room trying to calm himself from all the blushing

------------------at the cafeteria

"Jisung, are you sick of something? You're very red. Want to go to the infirmary? " Felix ask concerned as he see the older state.

"N-no I'm fine, don't worry. " Jisung said as he sat down.

"You're not going to eat anything? " Felix asked and Jisung shook his head no.

"I'm fine"

"Where is Minho? " Changbin ask.

"Didn't he go with you? " Hyunjin ask

"Y-y-es about that" He stuttered but got cut off with a cheesecake placed in front of his face.

"He left me there. Didn't even wait for me. Jisung's a meanie" Minho pout as he come to the table after buying jisung and himself their lunch.

"S-sorry H-hyungie. But you're the one who started it" Jisung said as he take a spoon of his cheesecake and eat it.

"Started what? "Felix ask
"Nothing " Jisung said immediately with food in his cheeks
"So Jisung was blushing then. What did you do Minho? " Changbin ask smirking. Minho just grin while Jisung choked on his food blushing yet again. Minho gives him water and pat his back. "Geez Changbin, don't just blurted thing out like that, look what you did to this pure squirrel " Minho said but he's smirking. Satisfied with the younger  reaction.

"Oh so what did you do MinHoe? " Hyunjin ask wiggling his his eyebrows.

Minho was about to tell when he get a light slap on his arm from Jisung.
"Don't tell people! It's embarrassing"
Jisung said. "Whoops sorry can't tell you now. The princess here says not to so no" Minho said grinning

"Aww what a waste tea" Hyunjin joked


They finished their lunch early surprisingly. They still at the lunch table talking about random thing.
Until Seungmin asked something which catching everyone's attention

"Jisung, since when are you and Yeongbom a housemate? As far as we know, he lives alone. "

"My mom had to go outstation for 2 months for work and since I'm just starting a new school, she told me to stay and she said that her friend's son will take care of me while she's gone. And that is Yeongbom hyung. " Jisung explain very detailed.

"Oh and what's your mom's name? Just curious" Seungmin asked.

"Han Jiyun" Jisung stated

"Oh, Jiyun, I know her" Minho suddenly said

"How did you know my mom and why are you calling my mom by her name? " Jisung asked

"Well I guess your mom never told you about her old job huh. Well she's my caregiver for 9 or 10 years. Still don't know why my mom want me to have a caregiver but I grateful of it. She's told me to call her Jiyun. She's very kind and caring. I thought I'll never see her again when she stopped working but here she was, well her son. I guess our meeting is fate? " Minho said smirking while leaning toward Jisung.

"Well that's that. Happy reunion! Well not directly but happy reunion!" Felix said.

The bell ring signalling the class will started soon. The group get up to class but all their chit chat earlier were being watched and Minho was aware of that so he tease him while teasing Jisung.

Oh how Minho loves seeing the defeated and irritated face from Yeongbom.

Jisung will be his and no one else. He will makes sure of that.


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