Chapter 56

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The way back home, Sungie keeps crying and saying he was useless, weak and a burdens to everyone while the others keeps trying to comfort him in the softest way possible.

Once they home, Minho's house, Sungie is sobbing quietly  now with the others help.

"I'm surprised the house isn't destroyed yet" Chan said

"Oh please, we're not that bad" Hyunjin said shrugging

"Said that one more time,  I dare you" Minho narrow his eyes towards Hyunjin who slowly back off.

"Okay, I'm gonna go cook. We didn't have a proper lunch today" Chan said and make his way to the kitchen.

"Sungie, what do you want to do?" minho asked softly but got interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Ugh, why now. Wait a moments Sungie" Minho said and pick up the call. From the very soft voice, it turn into a deep intimidating one.


Sungie just stares at the older's face, thinking of something and slowly getting out from the little space.

"Now? " Minho asked and sigh after.

"I'll send others. " And he hang up.

Minho turn to Hyunjin and Changbin.

"You two, go to the main base and settle the debt. And.. You know the rest" Minho said. "I'll be right here with my baby" Minho said and hug Jisung who return the hug back.

Hyunjin and Changbin sigh.

"Alright. But keep the food for us" Changbin said and they leave.

"Now, what do you want baby? " Minho turn his attention to Jisung again.

"Can I really get whatever I want? " Jisung asked and Minho nod

"Of course Sungie" Minho kiss the younger's temple

"Then, c-can I j-join your gang? " Jisung looks up with his puppy eyes while fiddling with his smol fingers.

It took a minutes for Minho to process what he just said. Even Seungmin and Felix who are there is surprised by the sudden request.

"Um, Ji, I think we heard you wrong. Can you said that again" Felix said

"I want to join your gang. "

"NO! I won't allowed it! It's too dangerous! I can't let you be in the field! I-I might lose you! " Minho said and he hold Jisung's cheeks. Fears is evidence in his eyes. Fear of loosing the younger if he ever involve with the underground world.

"B-but! If I join then, I can defend myself and I won't burden anyone! " Jisung try to convince Minho

"Sung, you aren't a burden to any of us here. So don't get yourself in such situations. " Minho said but Jisung shooks his head

"Jisung, it's really dangerous. Why would you even want that? " Seungmin asked

"But, you guys are younger than me—"

"By a few weeks. And a day" Felix mumbles

"STILL YOUNGER" Jisung yelled and Felix quickly shut up.

"Besides! I'm tired of treating everyone nice but got abused for it! I hate it! A-and I don't think there is ever a nice person out there anymore! I don't want to trust anyone anymore. And Hyungie can teach me how to be tough! And teach me how to use gun or knifes. Bring me to your missions! So I won't be shaken by those things again. So I won't be a weakling. So I-I" Jisung is tearing up at this points, making the others three worry as Minho wipes the tears away.

Minho sigh. "You're not weak Jisung. You're strong. Even after what happened to you, you still have the will to get up. I'm proud of you" Minho ruffles the younger's head making Jisung smiles.

"A-alright. You can. But you will be under lessons by us. And don't talk to anyone else besides us. And promise me, stick by my side forever " Minho said and Jisung widely smiles as he hug the older



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