Chapter 23

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They are at Hyunjin and Minho's locker after eating. They were talking when three girls come up to them. "Hey Minho, can we talk. It'll take only a few minutes. Please? " the girl who's named Seulbi, said. She pretty popular for being pretty and hot and stuff. Minho sigh as he turn his head to faced Seulbi annoyed.

"Do I even need to? NO" Minho said as he continue what's he's doing and that is squishing Jisung's cheeks.

"Please Minho. I promise it'll take only a few minutes. Or I'll not leave you until you does" Seulbi insisted.

"Just go with her hyungie. Maybe it's important? " Jisung said and Minho sigh. "Really? " Minho asked and Jisung nod. "Fine. I'll go. But if it more than 5 minutes, I'll go" Minho said and Seulbi smiled. She takes Minho's hand dragging him away. Jisung drop his forced smile seeing that."Thank you but I need to talk in private. So I borrowing Minho okay? " Seulbi said as he dragging Minho away with her friends with Minho frowning.

"Jisung, you do know that Seulbi want to be with Minho right? Why you let him go with her?" Felix asked. "I thought maybe it's important. And I thought she'll be more annoying if she stay here" Jisung said and the other sigh

"I don't know if I can say if you're too nice. You're kinda savage too? " Hyunjin said. They laugh a bit and make their way to the class.

"Okay so what do you need? " Minho asked obviously not caring.

"Well first—"

"There's more?! " Minho said

"Yes, first, why are you wearing a ring? I never seen you wear one. " Seulbi asked as she point at Minho's hand that is wearing the promise ring.

"It's my promise ring. Got a problem with that? " Minho asked as he put his hand in his pocket. Seulbi scoffed.

"Well you should not be wearing that babe. Give it to me" Seulbi said with the sudden nickname.

"Don't call me babe. Who are you to call me that? " Minho snapped

"Why? As your future girlfriend, I think I can. " Seulbi smiled and Minho scoffed.

"Why are you so outdated? I already in a relationship wit-"

"WELL BREAK UP WITH HER! " Seulbi yelled.

"One more. I'm not straight" Minho said bluntly.

"Who is him then?! I'm sure he blackmailed you or something right? Just break up with whoever he is and come back to me. I know you love me too" Seulbi said but Minho chuckled

"Okay let me start then. First, me? Being blackmailed? That's should never crossed your mind. Second, come back to you? Since when did I ever be with you? And lastly, " Minho laugh. "Love you? That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Stop bluffing. " Minho said.

"Ahh wait there's one more, no. I'll never break up with him. You could never break us" Minho said

"Oh really? You think I cant?! If you never been blackmailed, then I'll try? " Seulbin said as she walked closer to Minho. "What are you saying-" Minho was cut off when Seulbi suddenly pulled him by the collar and pull him into a kiss. Seulbi's friends pull their phone out and take a picture of them. Minho immediately push her away, wiping his lips harshly.

"You're a sick psycho! You think that's gonna do anything?! " Minho yelled.

"Yes. You should see the twitter soon" Seulbi smiled.

"Delete that" Minho said. "If you're agree to be my boyfriend, I'll delete it" Seulbi said.

"I'm gonna make you suffer " Minho said but widen his eyes when he realize Jisung could see the photo any moments.

"Jisung-" Minho run off to the class hoping to find Jisung before he open the twitter.

"Jisung? Ohh, that squirrel boy. Now it'll be easier for me" Seulbi smirk. "Let's go girls, we have someone to see later" Seulbi


Minho bursted in the class and find Jisung talking normally with the others. But he can feels stares on him. More like confusion stares.

Minho sprint to Jisung and pulled him on his laps. Minho wraps his arms around Jisung waist, resting his head on Jisung's shoulder. He sigh in relief when he didn't feel Jisung push him or anything.

"Hyungie? What's wrong? " Jisung asked obviously confuse but blushing when Minho did this. "Nothing, just need to relax after that girl piss me off" Minho said.

"What did she says? " Jisung asked.

"Long short story, she likes me, want me to break up with you and trying to blackmail me. Of course she failed to do so" Minho said. Jisung hummed in understanding, patting Minho's head as he talking with Felix and the others. Hyunjin takes out his phone and texting Minho so Jisung can't hear their conversation. Minho's phone vibrates and sees text from Hyunjin , he look at his phone behind Jisung so that the latter can't see it.


Hyung, what's happening?!
Why did she kiss you?!

Does it spread that fast?!

Of course! Everyone in school
follow her! And now explain.
You better thank me because
Jisung almost see it if it's
not for me.

Yea thanks. Okay so I explain.
She's trying to blackmail
me using this. And you
know her

Hyung, she obviously can't
blackmail you so she must
trying to do something else.

                              I know that.

Whatever you do, don't kill
her. It'll get too suspicious if
you do that

I know that too. So if she
do anything, I'll let her
suffer slowly. This is gonna
be fun.

Whatever. At least don't kill
her way to early.

                        Means I CAN kill her.



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