Chapter 27

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The lunch come and the gang sit at their usual table. Jisung was looking around the cafeteria for a certain someone and making Minho look at him.

"Are you looking for someone? " Minho asked and the other already sense the jealousy in the tone.

"Yes" Jisung said and then smile as he spots Jeongin. He stood up and goes to Jeongin to brings him to the table. Minho's veins slowly showing and the others remind him to not burst out in school while Seungmin just looking at the scene.

"Another episode of Minho jealousy taking over him just because Jisung doesn't gives him the attention he wants. " Seungmin said and receive glare from Minho.

"Hey guys, do you mind if Jeongin join us? " Jisung asked as he went back to the table with Jeongin besides him.

"Sure, of course he can" surprisingly it's Seungmin who answers him making Minho glare more intense at him but Jisung who smile and making Jeongin sit besides him and Minho lowly growl.

"This is the boy I was talking about." Jisung explain making Minho calm a bit.

"Hyung, he's sending dagger to me through his eyes. " Jeongin whispers when he feels the glare at him. Jisung turn around to look at Minho who was facing his food but not his eyes.

"Hyungie, don't glare at him. " Jisung said and Minho look at him with 'did you just nag me? ' face.

Jisung sigh and lean in to kiss Minho's cheeks and that calm Minho down. "Jeonginie here is still new. So I'm sorry I didn't give hyungie attention" Jisung said and snuggles his head onto Minho's side.

"Are they always like this? " Jeongin asked and they all nod. Jeongin look at Jisung and see him more innocent than he thought. Then he look at Minho who was glaring at him for looking at Jisung too long for his liking. Jeongin then realize something.

"Hey.. I know you" Jeongin said to Minho who raise his eyebrow after.

"How? " Minho asked.

"Do you know Bang Chan? " Jeongin asked and Minho nod.

"Ahh, sorry I didn't realize hyung. So you're Lee Know, the XM gang's leader. Jisung hyung also know this right? " Jeongin said but not too loud and they all widen their eyes with Hyunjin and Minho chokes on their food.

"Wait, what is your relationship with Chan hyung? " Felix asked

"He's my guide here" Jeongin said

"Wait what?! Since when he's in this school?! " Minho yelled.

"Ehh? You guys didn't know? I thought you guys were his friends. " Jeongin said.

"Of course we don't know! He never tell us and we never seen him around the school" Hyunjin said.

"I don't know" Jeongin shrugged.

"You didn't tell anyone right about the gang right? " Jisung asked and they all look at Jeongin

"No I did not. Chan hyung said never so I didn't" Jeongin said and the gang sigh in relief.

"Okay good and now" Minho said and pull Jisung closer by his waist. "Don't touch my princess" he finish his sentence.

"Oh gosh so possessive" Jeongin mumbles. They continue to eat peacefully.

Jeongin look up from his food and look at one direction. He saw that person glaring at him with anger fill the eyes. Jeongin quickly look away and continue to eat his food.

'Am I doomed or am I doomed?'


"Why are you being nice to him?! Are you forgetting our plan? " the person yelled.

"I wish! And why are we doing such things to Jisung hyung! He's a nice guy! I can't torn them apart! Can't you just back off and try to find other guy Seulbi? "Jeongin yelled back

"No way! Minho is the only guy for me and me! Not that faggot Jisung!" Seulbi said

"Are you forgetting that the 'faggot' you called is the same as me? " Jeongin question

"Whatever! Just say the things I tell you to Jisung, and that'll make Jisung believe that Minho is cheating on him, then say something good about me and that's it! Minho will be mine! " Seulbi confidently explain which make Jeongin disgust at her.

"Even tho you're my cousin, doesn't meant I HAVE to help you. And why would I help with this kind of thing? Just stop Seulbi. Go find other guy."
Jeongin said and Seulbi scoffed.

"No and I'll never stop. Minho is my soulmate and I know it! How can I just ignore him with other guy and it's a fucking GUY? "Seulbi said

"On top of that, it's a guy. You lose to a more cute and beautiful guy. Loserr. And I heard you get threaten by him. That makes you more than a loser. And thot? Suit you much" Jeongin said and chuckled then left Seulbi who was fuming.

"I'll kill that Jisung. I'LL KILL HIM!!! " Seulbi screamed.


"Welcome home boys, oh? " Jiyun greets the boys and sees Jisung snuggling and hugging the hell out of Minho who was struggling to not smiling since he was loving it too much but he want to be a sulky boyfriend for a bit because he want Jisung's effort to persuade him.

"I'll go change first. " Minho said and walk upstairs.

"What happening? " Jiyun asked.

"Hyungie is jealous since I put my attention to the new student. But that because I need to guide him around the school. Now hyungie is being sulky. " Jisung pout which Jiyun giggles.

"How about this. Go peppered him with kisses like he always do to you? I bet he'll love it" Jiyun said and Jisung lit up. "Thanks mom! I'll go now! " Jisung said and run upstairs.

Jisung open the door and find Minho playing with his phone sitting up on the bed.

"Hyungie? " Jisung called out but the latter didn't respond.

Jisung walk inside and sit beside Minho. He then crawls inside Minho's arms that was holding his phone. He peck Minho's lips and smile. "Don't be sulky hyungie~"

"Don't wanna " Minho said "what do hyungie want then? I'll make it up for hyungie!" Jisung said and Minho smirk

"The kiss wasn't enough" Minho said and Jisung blush. Jisung then lean in and capture the older lips with his own for a longer kiss.

Minho let go of his phone and wrap his arms around Jisung 's waist while the latter around his neck

Minho tilt his head to the side and lick Jisung bottom lips asking for entrance. Jisung hesitantly open his mouth only to be fill with Minho's tongue. Jisung whimpers a bit at the heated make-out while Minho enjoying every bit of this.

Jisung was the first to pulled out from the kiss because of the lack of air. Jisung was panting while Minho smirking. He kiss the tip of Jisung's nose and smile. "I love you princess" Minho said.

"I love you too Hyungie" Jisung replied.


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