Let the party begin

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After all that crap with the that so called mom.I had to get ready for my birthday party. This was the biggest event for the gang. Because I move up my level from beginner to supervisor which is big. This means when my dad leaves I am the leader. That happens 2 more years from now though.

I was now getting my hair and make up done by Nae Nae and Alexis. My hair was going down my back by curls. My makeup was just a simple grey Smokey eyes to Make my really dark eyes sparkle. My lips where placed with light shine of light pink lip gloss.

When I stood up I looked at my face smiling with pleasure of my makeup. So did the girls. When I heard a knock on the door and walked and went to open it with my. White robe still on. When happiness spread over my face. As I saw Justin in his black tux and white shirt showing. He smiled and said " Hay babe I got you something." He handed me a black box. I opened it and saw a necklace with a heart with wings. I smiled as Justin told me to turn around and put it on me. I quickly turned around and kissed him. I heard 'Aw' From the for girls After that he left leaving to finish getting dress.

I walked to the white dress bag in the rack. My stepmother and my sisters licked out like always do. This is a tradition and I always end up happy. While rubbing my belly and taking a deep breath as I saw it. A black,white ,and gold strapless goddess dress. It was white on the chest and had a gold belt under the chest and all the way to the bottom was straight black. The dress was perfect and showed of my baby bump that has gotten twice as big. When I was done with that I put on some black and gold flats so my feet wont hurt. I took one last look in the mirror and walked out of the room with Nae Nae and Alexis walking out in white and black high low summer dresses.

We made it to the end of the stairs. I was greeted by my dad. He gave me a hug and we began to walk out to the deck. "Welcome to the 18th birthday of Nicole Jezel Lucas." My dad said. "This is also the day to celebrate the day my daughter will be getting married to my second in commands son Justin Smith." Justin walked up on the deck and shook my dad's hand. "I also have another announcement. A few years ago. I was diagnose with lunge cancer. It seems that my baby girl is going to be the leader a little bit after." He said. I turned to him and gave him a hug. "Daddy why didn't you tell me?" I whispered to him as we where still hugging. "I didnt want you yo rune your make up." he said with a chuckle. I laughed and pulled away from him.

"Thank you for all coming tonight to help celebrate this awesome day. But if you haven't heard for the rumors its true I am pregnant with a boy. So this is a start for a new life for all of us. I hope that we can all forgive each other for the past and pretend this to be a new year." I said. Everyone clapped. I walked off the stage with my father and Justin and went to sit at our table.

"So you picked out any names yet." My stepmom asked. "Nope, I just wanna wait." Tori came up to me and sat on my lap. "So, big sis Trillion wants to speak with you." she whispered in my ear. I nodded and got up with her and Nae nae behind me. We walked to their table. "AH, my dear Trillion what do I have the pleaser of seeing you?" I said while giving him a hug. "Nothing, Bella I just came to see you and say happy birthday. And I bought something for you and my godson." He said handing me a box. "Awwww Trillion you shouldn't have." I pulled out a a gold chain and car keys smiled. "Thats for his 14th birthday and his car is for his 16th. Now for you." He handed me a silver bag. I opened it and found VIP passes to my favorite Cochella and a pair of keys to a rang rover. "Awww, thank you Trill." I said hugging him. He laughed and hugged me back. " Any thing for you Bella. I'll see you later." I said bye and walked back to the table.

"So, who was that?" Justin asked. "Remember Trillion from high school. He came and gave me a gift for the baby and a birthday present." I said he nodded his head. I said high to a few people and danced and got some gifts and all. Then we headed to bed.

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