Chapter Eleven: An Old Friend

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Harry zoomed across the night sky holding onto a very frightened Gwen while Peter swung after them. Finally, Peter was able to stop the hovercraft. He didn't even realize that he was on top of the clock tower. Gwen kicked Harry in the gut and jumped into Peter's arms. He caught her, and they fell through the glass roof. Harry jumped in after them.

They landed on the gears. Peter and Harry started to fight while Gwen backed up. She jumped down onto the next gear. Peter had forgotten how hard it was to multitask fighting Harry and making sure Gwen was safe.

Harry pushed him onto the next gear while Gwen jumped to the last one. She slipped, but Peter jumped down, shot a string at her, and tied it She held on. Harry continued to fight. Peter then realized that the same gear that had cut Gwen's string a year ago was about to do it again.

He was about to do something, when Harry snapped him back into the fight. He had finally punched Harry and knocked him out when Gwen screamed.


He saw the same terror and fear in her big green eyes that had been there a year ago. And Peter watched as her string snapped for the second time and Gwen Stacy started to fall to her death again.

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