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Disclaimer: Female reader with a height of 150cm, if you don't like that you have a height I'm sorry! I just want Nishinoya to be taller


"Uwah~ She's so pretty!"

"So cool!"

"She's too pretty for senpai."

At that last remark, multiple heads began nodding in agreement. The four boys were huddled in a circle, as one had his phone out showing the group a video.

"Are you sure Nishinoya-san isn't just lying?" Questions a blonde haired teen with glasses.

"So cold Tsukishima, but I know him. He wouldn't lie about something like this! Unless,"the oldest one among the group pauses as he begins to think uncharacteristically,"he's doing this to make Shimizu-chan jealous!"

"Ahonaka*(Stupid-Tanaka), that sounds even mor-"

Before Tsukishima could finish his sentence the doors to the gym open, revealing a well-mannered raven haired teen.

"Oi, what are the four of you doing huddling around?"

"Daichi-san! Look! Look! Nishinoya-senpai, says this girl is his girlfriend,"a teen excitedly says he jumps around. Grabbing the phone from Tanaka as he practically shoves it into Daichi's face. In his excitement the phone smacks into skin, with a loud smack.


"I-I'm sorry! But look! look!" Hinata would have normally cowered in fear but the fact that Nishinoya had a girlfriend was more important. He quickly pulls away the phone to a safe distance where Daichi could see the face of a female clearly. The captain wasn't sure but the female looked oddly familiar, not that he'd be able to name who she was anyway.

"What makes you think she's Nishinoya's girlfriend?" Daichi asks, it was unreal. How could their wild libero, who worshiped Shimizu have a girlfriend? It was unheard of.

"Tanaka-senpai said so!"

"Don't look at me, Nishinoya told me about her!"

And, before the room could erupt into more questions, the man of the hour had arrived. He had on the biggest grin, while he was on the phone with someone as he entered the gym. Tanaka was the first to react as he shouted,"Noya! Tell them what you told me about your girlfriend!"

After a few seconds, Nishinoya ended his phone call as he greeted his team smugly,"[Surname] [Name], is my girlfriend."

I feel like some of them could be a bit OOC, since I haven't watched Haikyuu for some time, but s4 of Haikyuu is out and OMG AM I EXCITED.


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