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The Miyagi prefecture qualifier rounds were about start, and you heeded your manager's advice. Every time you'd leave even if it was just to go see your boyfriend's volleyball matches you'd have to dress up. So today you went for a cute casual outfit, that consisted of black tights, a white shirt and a blue overall skirt. You wore a dark bracelet, and black ankle boots plus a handbag for all your necessities. You were ready to watch Nishinoya play the sport that he loved.

"Whoah! that girl over there looks really cute."

"Eh? You don't know her? She's an idol that's famous in Tokyo and is now trying to get her fame to reach us here in Miyagi."

"Really? What's she doing here?"

"I don't know but does that matter? Do you think we could get her number?"

"Or why not a picture? If she's an idol they might not give their number away, but they always take pictures with fans."

Pretending as if their voices couldn't be heard you walk hurriedly to the match area. It's not that you didn't like taking pictures with your fans, but today was a day for your boyfriend. You didn't want your being an idol to get in the way of you supporting your boyfriend. Especially if he got jealous because you were stopped by males from another school, and that you were taking pictures with them.

"I'm going to beat everyone and go to Tokyo."You hear a familiar voice say in determination, and you pray to the gods it's who you think it is.

"Even if you were somehow lucky enough to keep winning, everyone just gets crushed by Shiratorizawa in the end."

"Let's make some good memories."

It was a conversation Hinata was having with another player, and you quickly shout for his name in hopes of keeping people from approaching you,"Hinata-kun! Hinata-kun is that you?"

For a brief second you caught the eyes of the male Hinata was talking to, and his mouth went agape. Did that little kid have a girlfriend? The teen from Ohgi Minami High watches as you excitedly clamp on his arm asking him to come with you to the match area.

What actually happened...

"Hinata oh my god, it really is you. Please take me to the match area, I feel like if I go alone I wouldn't be able to watch Yuu-kun play." You clasp the younger male's hand in a desperate plea causing the teen to flush,"[S-[Surname]-san! O-of course! I can take you there. We're about to have a match now."

"Really?" Linking your arms together to make sure the people around you knew you didn't want to be bothered you smile at Hinata,"Give Yuu-kun my regards! I'll be watching from the bleachers."


random a/n:  lmao thanku to the ppl reading and commenting, literally the comments I get remind me to update since I've already finished this. heh

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