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The weekend Tokyo trip was over and Nishinoya felt even more frustrated than when they had lost. What Hinata said made sense after all, it just hadn't been said out loud until then.

"Yuu-kun your voice sounds strained, how are you feeling?"

Agh, he made you worry. Nishinoya didn't like it when he worried you, it felt he lost manly points. He forced out a laugh saying,"Ah I'm just a little stressed."

"I'm here to listen you know, I am your girlfriend," you softly chide Nishinoya, men could be so stubborn. There's nothing wrong if they aren't strong all the time.

You hear him chuckle and you relax. It seemed he felt a bit better now,"watching the other teams they all do such cool things!" He excitedly tells you, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Oh? You sound like you're planning something Yuu-kun."

"How can you tell?" He asks laughing,"I didn't even tell you yet!"

"It's your tone, whenever there's this- I don't know, it sounds naughty? Like you're going to do something mischievous."

"N-naughty?? I sound naughty?!" Of course that's all your boyfriend hears and you laugh. The biggest dork that's what he was.

"So, what are you going to do Yuu-kun?" You ask him, turning his attention away from what you said he sounded like. He takes note of the strangest thing, that boy of yours.

"I'm going to set from the backline!"

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