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"Oh? You're heading to Tokyo this weekend?" you ask excitedly as your boyfriend tells you about his training camp. Usually if you weren't in your school dormitory you were somewhere in Tokyo advertising yourself.

"Yes! We'll get to play against Nekoma again, and some really strong teams!" From the tone of Nishinoya's voice you could tell how much he was looking forward to it.

"That sounds great! So, Yuu-kun how's your studies going?"

"I-I-It's going fine! The others are helping me study. I've been doing pretty well on quizzes so far."

Ahh, how you envied his friends for being able to tutor Nishinoya. You were pretty smart yourself but travelling around to tutor Nishinoya would be too much. It was already hard balancing your own studies and being an idol. Sighing wistfully you quietly tell him,"I wish I could be your tutor too."

"Y-You can be anything of mine! I-I mean- well- ah, what I meant to say-"

Your giggles cut him off, Nishinoya was cute flustered. Even if you could only hear his voice you're pretty sure he'd be red as a tomato right now. Your boyfriend was such a dork and you absolutely loved him for it.

"You're so cute Yuu-kun," you comment offhandedly, and you hear a very gruff shout of,"[Name]-chan is cuter! So much more cuter!"

After talking a bit more with Nishinoya, he quietly asks you,"Do you think you can come see me this weekend?" He asks a unsure and you feel your heart break a little. You had told him how busy you were, but of course he'd still want to see you.

"I-I'm not sure I can go to your practice this weekend. Maybe if you stay in Tokyo a little longer?" Your voice was hopeful, and it was received enthusiastically.

"After this weekend, during the summer we'll be practicing in Tokyo for a week!" Nishinoya answers completely pumped. If they see you, they'll finally believe him. He wouldn't lie about getting a girlfriend and who it was.

"Tell me when and where, during that week I'll be sure to visit at least once!"

She's my Idol! [Nishinoya Yuu]Where stories live. Discover now