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It was time, they had all prepped what they could before the summer training camp could begin. Starting all their own new techniques, and improving themselves. Karasuno was heading back for round two, eager to sharpen their new claws.

At least, that's what they were like on the inside.

"Nishinoya's girlfriend is coming."

"Noya's girlfriend is coming."

"Nishinoya-senpai's girlfriend is-"


"We're here to train, why is everyone so concerned with Noya-san's girlfriend?" Daichi scolds his team, even if he wanted to join them in their curiosity. It hadn't taken long for the whole team to find out that Nishinoya's alleged 'girlfriend' would come see him this week.

The captain would be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit curious as to who she really was. In the sense that, out of all the men in the volleyball team, it was Nishinoya who got a girlfriend first. Someone younger than him. Not to mention how a female could even deal with a guy like Nishinoya.

"But Daichi-san, aren't you curious too?" Tanaka asks, the whole team seemed to be hyped save for their captain.

"He probably is, he's just trying to reel in the fact that Nishinoya got a girlfriend before him," Sugawara answers for Daichi with a grin.

"Like you have one, Suga-san." Straight to the point, Tsukishima deflates his senior.

"You don't have one either Tsukishima!" Hinata shouts pointing at the male.

"I fail to see the point, no one here has one except Nishinoya. Oh wait, we haven't even seen her, you aren't going to run away from this are you, Nishinoya-san?"

"Of course!" Nishinoya grins, chest puffing in smugness,"[Surname] [Name], my girlfriend will be there!"

Tsukishima sighs, unable to break his senior's spirit by even just a little bit. It's not like he cared or anything. So what if the pipsqueak had a girlfriend, it didn't matter to him. It probably isn't even real, he might just ask a friend to come or whatever.

Nishinoya sticks his tongue out at the team and laughs boisterously. Sometime this week his girlfriend would come, and he would shut them all up.

She's my Idol! [Nishinoya Yuu]Where stories live. Discover now