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It was two points to match point, and for Karasuno to win their first game. You take hold of Yatchi's hand as you say,"let's go! let's greet them," as the two of you begin to run to the court. Surely there'd be nothing wrong for the two of you to be down there once the game is over right?


Was that the Hinata-Kageyama quick, Nishinoya had told you about? That looked insanely fast, and before you even know it they've already won. Yatchi was pulling you with her as the two of you approach the area where coach Ukai, Takeda-sense and Shimizu were.

You snap back into reality as you see Noya standing a few meters away from you and you proudly shout,"Yuu-kun congratulations!" Even if was only one small win and they still needed to beat a few more teams to reach Shiratorizawa.

Nishinoya sees you standing, hears your call and grins as he gives you a thumbs up. He watches as Ohgi Minami slowly begin to pack up and he rushes over to you. His face in a mask of swirling emotions between jealousy, anger, happiness and pride.

The teen takes hold of your hand for the first time, and it shocks you how he doesn't flinch nor flush from the contact. Odd, where did your little dork go? Nishinoya slowly brings you to the side of Ohgi Minami's court as he huffs,"[Name]-chan is my girlfriend! Not that shrimp's girlfriend, not that baldie's girlfriend not anyone's but mine."

After hearing your boyfriend's words you understand. So that's where he got his confidence from and if you were right, it'll only be a moment now before he reverts back to his dorky self.

"Yuu-kun," you start as you cheekily lean on his arm,"you're so confident at the weirdest times, over the oddest things."

It is then Nishinoya's whole body turns frigid from the physical contact, as his entire being flushes. 

She's my Idol! [Nishinoya Yuu]Where stories live. Discover now