Chapter V

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I stomped inside the girl's bathroom, which Haruki-san followed me. I looked at him with annoyance "How come I'm the only one who can see you?" I asked, with a yell, but careful not to be so loud. "Because," he stopped as he crossed his arms at his chest then floats with a chill pose "You were the one who summoned me" was all he said, he smiled. "What will everyone think then? That I am crazy?! Takahashi-senpai might make fun of me too!" I said, then ran into the corner of the bathroom, put my hand against the wall, and my face towards the wall also. By the presence, I can tell the smile on which was on Haruki-san's face were wiped off.

Then, a hand was pressed onto mine, and felt like my heartbeat skipped a beat.  "W-Wha—" I was cut off when I suddenly felt Haruki-san's body pressing against my back. It made me blush of his sudden actions and my heartbeat continued to beat a lot faster. I can sense he's about to whisper something. When his head is close enough to my ears, he smiled and "Why need him, when you got me?" He whispered. With that, it's like my heart is popping out of my chest and my cheeks started to get redder and redder, repeating into my mind what he just said. I can tell he is smirking or smiling widely right now. "Y-You—" I was cut off, again, but not because of him, because of the ringing, which means Lunch Break is over. I quickly stood up and gave Haruki-san an embarrassed and shy look, and then went on my way to my class.

Haruki's POV

When she walked away, I smiled and stood up as I placed both my hands in the pockets of my uniform. "You may be mean sometimes, but you show the cutest attitude when you're embarrassed..." I smiled, "You haven't changed. I whispered/mumbled, then got out a bracelet from my pockets, and stared deeply into it "I will protect you, (y/n)-chan." With that, I explored around the school.

(y/n)'s POV

I happen to arrive at my classroom 3 minutes late.

Whew, luckily the teacher isn't here yet.

I sighed in relief, then walked to my desk. What Haruki-san did and what he just said kept popping in my head which made me blush so hard and made my heartbeat beat fast. I banged my head gently at my table to see if I'm dreaming or not.

But then the teacher suddenly arrived, so I acted like I was well-behaved.

About 20 minutes have passed..

I couldn't put much attention to the lesson, I was still thinking about what happened in the bathroom earlier. The teacher noticed, "(y/n)-chan! Can you stand up and answer this question?" She pointed out a problem. My classmates started whispering words like "Damn, that's a hard one."

Crap, crap I wasn't paying attention!

"U-Uhm.." I stared onto the problem, trying to recall the lesson.

But then, something appeared right before me, it was Haruki-san. "The answer is zero." He said as he sits on  the desk of my classmate and yawned. I blushed a bit.

Oh yeah right, he doesn't give a sh*t to the people around him because they can't see him.

The teacher fake coughed, when she noticed I was spacing out. "You may sit do—" "It's zero." I cut off my teacher's words.

Almost all of my classmates got their jaw to drop because of my response. Yeah, the question was hard, and plus, it's Math, which is my greatest enemy. "Correct, Ms. (l/n). You sure are improving!" The teacher complimented me, which made me relieved.

But obviously, Haruki-san helped me. I would've gotten a serious and irritating reply from my teacher without his help, so I smiled at him, embarrassingly and shyly, then blushed a little. "Thank me later!~" He said as he winked, then vanished.

But then, my head suddenly hurt.

Didn't I used to have a friend that was good in Math..?

I took my seat, ignored my thoughts, and payed much more attention in class. I looked at my side to see Luna, giving me a thumbs up. I gave her a sort of like nervous smile in return.


"Class dismissed!" The teacher said as she closed the book she was holding, then fixed her stuffs. I can hear people around me saying "Yes!" or "Yahoo!", they must've been tired. I yawned and by the corner of my eye, I could see Luna staring at me. I looked at her straight "Luna what's up?" I asked. "Anou, (y/n)-chan! I can't go home with you today. I have plan—" I cut her off "It's fine, we can just walk together tomorrow." I said, then gave Luna a smile before fixing my stuffs. By the presence, I can tell Luna's all sparkly-eyed and looking at me. She stood up "Thank you so much (y/n)-chan!! You are so understanding!!" She yelled, as I gestured a "Shh!" with my hands. "Oops" she said as she scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "It's fine, really, it's no big deal, alright?" I said as I smiled.

At the Gates.

We both are waved goodbye, then walked to our separate ways. While I was walking, the orb appeared again. I sighed, and ignored it as much as I can. After taking 5-10 steps away from the gate, I could feel someone was running towards me "(y/n)-chan! Wait!" a familiar voice said. I looked, and saw Takahashi-senpai. "A-Ah! Takahashi-senpai!" was all I said. Weird, my heart doesn't thump. "What a coincidence! I was walking home too! Can we walk home together?" He asked. Well that made me blush, but only a slightest bit. "S-Sure!" I smiled.

We then walked together, and began to have different conversations, he once asked me about the Myth, but I denied and told him it was fake. Haruki-san said to not tell anyone about him.

Speaking of Haruki-san, where is he?

I looked around, but only saw the orb. I sighed. Takahashi-senpai noticed, "(y/n)-chan, something wrong?" I looked at him and shook my head, gesturing a "no" reply.

We were talking again and again, until I've reached my house. "Well, let's call it a day!" I said smiling at Takahashi-senpai. "Goodbye, (y/n)-chan! See you tomorrow!" He gave me a wink, then walked away. I smiled. Takahashi-senpai really is a nice guy.

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