Chapter III

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Alright! I've finally gotten ready! I'm currently wearing a black mask, a black cap, and my school uniform. Takahashi-senpai mentioned earlier that it will come out if I put on a proper uniform. I put on my handy backpack, checking if I've put everything on it.

Flashlight.. Check!
Towels... Check!
Water Bottle... Check!
And a bunch of other stuffs I don't need to mention.

As I was about to leave the house, I looked at Takahashi-senpai's picture frame first, then smiled. "I'll try my very best to meet up to your expectations, Senpai.." I locked my house then got into a taxi, telling the driver to go to Krystalia High School, our school.

As I was in the car, I wondered on what Haruki-san might look like. Will she have long, reddish hair? And reddish eyes also? Is she nice like what the myth said?


I've finally arrived.. I tiptoed towards the main building, ran to the first, second, and finally, third floor of the building. I pant as I search for the kitchen.

As soon as I saw the kitchen, I immediately get in while panting.

I looked around, then saw the door. The door of the Kitchen... I walked towards it nervously.

"Here I go.."

I knocked at the door, three times..

"Haruki-san, Haruki-san, are you there..?" I asked while preparing myself for jumpscares.

After about 5 seconds, I realized something. I only called her twice =-=).. Sigh, take two, take two!

I cleared my throat. Knocked at the door three times, and "Haruki-san, Haruki-san, Haruki-san.. Are you there...?" I asked. Preparing for jumpscares again.

I've waited for about 5 seconds again, then turned around from the door "I knew this was also a fake one! Damn senpai, if only I didn't like you then I wouldn't have to do thi—"

I got cut off by the sound of the door slowly opening "I'm heeeeereeee~" a voice said.


The door opened widely, not revealing a single soul. I sighed, was it just my imagination? Suddenly, a hand pressed into my shoulders.

"KYAH KYAH KYAH!! GET OFF MEEEE!" Closing my eyes tightly, I grabbed a broom then smacks the thing with the broom, only to find out that it passed through 'Huh?! Did I miss?!' I slowly opened my eyes and then saw a maroon-haired boy, with red crimson eyes, and wears the same black winter uniform as the boys' uniform, with a matching sort-of like a black general's cap. He looks like he's the same age as me, and he's kinda cute..

"W-Who—" I asked in fear but was cut off.

"I am one of the Wonders of this School, Kitchen-Bound Haruki-san!" He announced with matching pulling his cap down to his face to make shadows.

A male's voice?! B-But wait, I thought Haruki was a girl? What the heck?

"N-No way! Where's the red dress? The girl! The nice gir—" I was cut off, again by the ghost, it floats towards me then puts his finger in front of my lips.

"Shh. Everything you heard about the rumour was true, except for the gender.
I can grant you a wish but you have to pay a certain prize..!~" He stares into my eyes deeply.

A certain prize?! How come Takahashi-senpai never mentioned that?!
I couldn't speak. I was filled with fear, with a little bit of excitement.

"Now, what was it that you wish for?" Haruki-san asked.

Oh right! I have to make a wish! What wish though... I gestured my hands as I was thinking. The ghost flew away then sits in one of the kitchen counters while sharpening it's kitchen knife.

A-A kitchen knife..?! I-I thought he was harmless?! I gulped by the sight of him sharpening his knife.

He then looked at me, "Before that," he said as he floats towards me. "Introduce yourself~" He said as he smiled.

I didn't what else should I say, so I ended up saying my name. "(y-y/n). My name is (l/n) (f/n)." I said as I looked away.

"Oh, (y/n)-chan~ That's a nice name you've got!" Haruki smiled. "So, (y/n)-chan, have you thought about your wish?~" The ghost inched closer to me.

"I-I..." I said while thinking things through. "I wish my senpai will like me back...!" I said as I felt embarrassed.

"Ah! Souka ('I see' in Japanese)" He said as he tilted his head and I can tell he is thinking. "I might have the right material for that!" He said as he dug his hand in his pockets, and I looked at him confusingly.

"Aha! I have it!~" He pulls a giant book from his pocket named '100 ways to make someone fall for you'. How did that even fit in his pockets?! I looked at him confusingly.

He looked back at me, "Eh? What's wrong?" He said as he tilted his head.

"Can't you do your, uh, magics? It said that you have magic in you" I asked him directly, and confidently.

"Hmm, I can!" He raises his both hands in the air with a cheerful expression, "But the price will be a lot bigger~" He said as he floats and did a sitting pose while his chin is resting at his hand.

I thought about it. I should read the book first. I gestured my hands as if I was gonna take the book, Haruki-san smiled, then gave it to me. I slowly opened the book, and read the first page.

While I was reading, Haruki-san interrupted me. "Don't worry, I will help you with your wish~ I mean, that's what the rumours said, right?" He smiled. "When shall we start?" He asked me, trying to get my attention.

I thought about it again, "How about tomorrow..?" I asked.

"Alrighty!~ Tomorrow, I shall help your senpai fall for you!~" He said cheerfully as one of his kind-of-like orbs flew towards me, and it startled me "W-WHAT IS THAT?!" I pointed at the orb and shouted at Haruki-san who seems to be laughing.

He walked towards me then pats my head, "That's will be your sort-of-like telephone! You can call me anytime, and I will appear right before you! So in other words, I'm gonna be your some sort of Mythical Companion!~" He said cheerfully and smiled.

I smiled, then blushed a bit. "O-Okay..!" Was all I said.


And Shinoa's back for the third timeee! I just wanna say thank you and I very much appreciate you guys reading this story of mineee. Anyways, I might have errors so feel free to correct it, for now and the future! That is all, don't forget to vote and state your opinions!~ bai baiiii!~

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