Chapter IX

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I woke up, by the sound of the alarm.

'Gee, this alarm clock is really annoying' I sighed.

I got up straight, and stretched both my arms in the air before turning the clock off.

"It looks like I didn't have that dream again, phew.." I yawned.

I got up from the bed, and got ready for school.


"Alright, all set!" I said cheerfully while looking at myself in a mirror. I packed my stuffs, and placed them inside my bag.

I got out of my house, and locked it. And then set my way to school.


"(y/n)-chan!!" I heard a familiar voice calling for me. I turned to look to see who it is and saw Luna, running towards me, and well, waving her hand, just like she always do.

I stopped walking to greet her also. "Hey, Luna!" I smiled.

"(y/n)-chan!! Are you feeling well? How is your fever?!" She quickly placed her hands at my forehead, checking my temperature. "Your fever is gone, phew!~" She sighed in relief.

I smiled, 'Damn, I'm so lucky to have a friend like her..' I thought. "I'm fine, I'm fine, Luna!" I said, reassuring her. "Let's walk to school together!" I told her. She nodded in agreement.

The rest of the minute, we were just talking, she even mentioned the myth of Haruki-san.

"(y/n)-chan! Haruki san is really pretty! She was a kind person when she was alive!" She said, confidently.

I giggled a bit, "Luna, Haruki's a boy." I said.

"A-A boy?" Luna looked confused, "How did you know? Did you also search for it?" She asked.


'Even if Luna's my friend, my only friend perhaps, I mustn't tell her about Haruki-san.'

"I just.. found that in a random website! Thats all, hehe.." I replied, faking a smile.

"He's really that famous, huh..?" I whisper-mumbled.

"Oh, I see.. They also said that before he died, he got hit by a car, while holding a paper bag. The police said they found a bracelet inside that paper bag! Maybe it was like a gift for someone.. poor guy.." She chatted.

I smiled, but..

'C-Car accident...?!'

"L-Luna.. What else do you know?!" I asked her, hoping for more information.

"A-Ah..? Me? Hmm.. Let me see.." She thought, and shook her head. "I don't think I know anything other than that.." She replied, "But I do know, after that accident, they said there was another car accident. But this time, the victim was a girl. Maybe that girl is a relative of the boy. It's really sad.." She said as she sighed.

"C-Car accident, again..?" I looked down, but I suddenly remembered my dream. "GAHH!!" My head ached, like it hurts so much, causing me to scream.

"(y-y/n)-chan!!" Luna screamed as I fell on my knees, and put both my hands in my head.

I can see everything, flashing before my eyes.

'Everything, was so normal.. Back then..'

I fainted.

Haruki-san's POV

From above, I can see (y/n), she's remembering everything..

"...I'm sorry, (y/n).. But you're not ready.."

With that, I put a spell on her, and her friend, causing them to forget all the things that happened today.

(y/n)'s POV

I woke up, slowly, my head aching.

"What happened..? Where am I..?" I said as I looked around. I thought about what happened before I fainted. 

'How come I can't remember what happened..?'

As I was looking around, I saw Haruki-san, sleeping.

'H-He's sleeping..? Has he been looking after me..?'

As I was staring into him, I can see him slowly opening his eyes.

'O-Oh no..! Did I wake him up?' He raised his head, and looked at me. "Yo, (y/n)-chan!" He greeted as he rubbed his eyes. 

"H-Haruki-san..! W-What happened..?" I asked him as I sat up straight, ignoring my head ache.

"You.. You fainted, while walking with Luna!" He yawned. "Maybe because of the fever, you haven't even actually recovered from it yet." He added.

"I-I see.." I looked around once more. "I am in the.. infirmary..?" I asked him. He nodded in agreement. "W-Who.. carried me here..?" I asked him once again, he looked away as he pouted.

I realized what he was doing, and blushed. "W-Wait.. You carried me here?!" I shouted. He looked at me and showed a poker face.

"W-What about you?! Surely there were people there, right? They must've seen me being carried by nothing!" I told him.

He giggled, "(y/n)-chan, there were no people there. Besides, even if there was, I made myself visible, which means random people can see me." He replied and smiled.

"I-I see.. But won't they know you're the one and only Haruki-san?" I asked him, again.

"Nope," He replied confidently. "The Haruki-san they know is a girl." He added, and then scratched his cheek with his index finger.

"Phew.." I sighed in relief. I rested my head on the wall, facing it and closing my eyes.

He turned to look at me. "Don't move. " He climbed the bed and placed his hand against the wall... and kissed my cheek.

When I soon realized what he was doing, I turned to look at him, and again, like a million times already, our face are god-damn close!! My face heated up "H-Ha.. Haru—" I got cut off by his smile, and then he hugged me. I can feel my face really heating up. I hugged him back, because why not?! A cute boy here is freakin' hugging me! And well, my heart said yes..!

He whispered something to me, but I couldn't quite hear it. I wanted to ask what it was, but I don't wanna make the atmosphere awkward.

'H-Haru— Haruki-san... I-I think I like you..!'

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