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  When Joanna realized vampires existed amongst humans, she was stunned beyond a point. The idea of aliens walking on the same ground as her was implausible. Humans were the only creatures, besides animals, that lived. She was wrong.

There was life besides humans that the human eye was blind to.

But once she got a glimpse of that life, she was able to see everything clearly. From vampires to wolves, she got to see the supernatural beings that rested on this planet.

  She didn't expect herseld to create a new life, however, one unheard of. A child that was both human and vampire. A creature that caused fear to crash on everyone in the Cullen household.

  "Carlisle," Bella rushed out, grabbing her car keys as she left the couch. On her tail was Joanna, whom of which was stuck in shock with one word being repeated in her head: life. Joanna was very possibly carrying life inside of her. "I need Carlisle, Edward."

  On the line, Edward was curious on why Bella needed the doctor.

  "It's Jo," she stated, voice harsh and full of worry for her friend. The front door was swung open, Bella allowing Joanna to head to the car first. "This is serious, Edward."

  Quickly, Edward became just as serious as her; taking in the crucial information. Something was wrong with the human girl.

  "I...we think she's..." She trailed off, starting her truck with an ugly roar. In the passenger seat, Joanna was texting rapidly. It was Leah. "I-I'll explain when we get to the house, alright? Tell everyone to be prepared."

  For what, exactly? How would they, specifically Joanna, tell everyone that she believes she's pregnant? That she is carrying Jasper's and hers child after a one-night stand? She flushed as the memories of the night flourished in her mind.

  Her friend dragged her attention right into her eyes when she placed a gentle touch to Joanna's knee. Breathing heavily, Bella promised, "I'll be here every step of the way."

Then she was putting the phone on speaker and rearing out the driveway.

  Joanna's phone vibrated, a single text awaiting to be seen.

Leah: Wdym? I told mom and she's worried about you. If you're having an attack again, I can come down? Jo?

The owned of the phone didn't answer, choosing to only listen to Edward on the phone. His frantic voice destroyed her nerves, making her only feel anxious on the ride down there. Jasper wasn't on the phone once, Edward explaining that him and Emmett had gone to a farther region of Washington to feed.

  Excellent timing.

  When they arrived at the house, a mist was flowing elegantly to the ground. The feeling of the cool liquid melted away some of her anxiety.

  Edward threw open the door, ushering both girls inside. "Let's go," he ordered, eyeing Joanna carefully as he directed the girls towards Carlisle's office.

  "Be gentle with her," Bella hissed at Edward, feeling an urge to guard her friend. Because Edward wasn't looking to excited about the idea of her possibly baring a child. A child that he thought as a monster.

Carlisle's door was slammed open, shaking the home from Edward's force. Within the room was a small bed laid out for Joanna, along with numerous medical equipment that Joanna couldn't even name. Why was she even becoming a nurse if she didn't know this? She didn't know anything from the stress crashing upon her like vicious waves.

"How about we go at an easy pace?" Carlisle questioned, taking Joanna's hand and guiding her to his station. Hesitant at first, Joanna eyed everyone in the room. Edward and Bella were by the doorway, curious as to what to was to come. She was playing with her hair, twisting the brown strands in between her fingers. Edward's arm was wrapped securely around her waist - almost as an instinct incase the baby she possibly held would attack his lover.

  Esme and Rosalie were gone, going after the missing boys that were clear across the state.

  Then there was Alice, whom of which was standing silently in the corner. Her appearance resembled a porcelain doll, still and full of  secrets. No words tumbled from her lips, but she did offer a doleful look.

  Going at a slow pace, Carlisle edged Joanna on the medical bed, pulling out the materials to begin an ultrasound.

  She had to drift her eyes away from sight, focusing on Bella as she wandered to her side much to Edward's dismay. Her hand connected with Joanna's, a careful smile crossing her lips. A cold liquid kissed her skin, igniting a yelp from Joanna.

  Quietness drifted into the room as Carlisle scanned her uterus, taking in every detail. The screen was black, only showing nothing besides what was there before.

For a moment, Joanna believes that she was wrong. There was no baby, she was just overreacting because she had sex without using protection. Jasper and her would have to be careful next time. If there even was a next time.

  This moment would last forever. This moment, the one where she feared that she was pregnant, it would be a warning for the couple. You got scared, so now you know what to do next time.

A clear message was sent everyone's way.

  Joanna closed her eyes, relieved that she wasn't pregnant. Though, something pained her chest. Another hole was added to her heart. A child. She could've had a baby. A being that was half her and half the man she loved.

  The child would be their future. Their child will be loved, cherished, protected, the child would have all their love.

  Now, they wouldn't have that.

Frowning, Joanna opened her eyes to only connected with a golden pair. "Joanna," Carlisle began, voice strained, "this is...the sack is too thick." Her dark eyebrows fell together in befuddlement. What? What did he mean 'sack'?

  Edward read her thoughts and cleared his throat,

  "There's a living creature inside of you."

  This was the creation of a new era. This was now a game of life and death

  Silent, Joanna let her mouth fall open, her hands cupping her stomach as she stared off into the distance. She heard him wrong. She couldn't be pregnant - that is impossible. There's no such thing as a human girl baring the child of a vampire, right?

  In Joanna's world, nothing was right. When things were created, they ended in destruction.


Creation & Destruction [3] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now