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  "You're...you're beautiful."

  Whisps of dark brown strands frame her face, dark eyes were blown wide with the statue she saw in front of her. That's how Bella described her friend: A statue crafted by Mother Nature. Golden eyes stared back at with familiarity and such an intensity that it left her breathless.

  "Really? I thought I gained some weight from my pregnancy."

  There were no restrictions now. Bounding forward, Bella brings the tall girl into her hold, lips curving into a smile. Even with her cold skin burning her, she was still here. Thriving as the seconds passed. "Shut up," Bella tells her, burying her nose into the sweater that the immortal wore. "I missed you so much."

  Joanna matched a smile similar to hers. "It was difficult...these past months trying to comprehend everything that's happened. I mean, did you ever expect me to be a mother?"

  "Did you ever expect vampires to exist?"

  "Yeah, but now that it's happened, I feel like I'm in a place now. My life has a purpose besides watching old TV shows and moping around the house," she admits when they pull away. Bella can't take her eyes off her friend's new eyes and appearance. "I'm in a relationship with my mate. I have a son who still seems unbelievable to me. Life has changed us both, Bella."

  The human nods before jumping out of her skin when a child clamps to her leg. "Hi, Aunt Belle!"

  "It's Bella, darling," Joanna corrects.

Her son shakes his head, eyes full of glee. "No, mommy, she's Princess Belle."

  "You heard him."

  Awkwardly, Bella smirks before lifting her nephew up. Their eyes meet and instantly, she falls in love with the boy. "You're a cute little guy, aren't you?"

  "Uncle Em says I'm a hunk."

  "I'm beating him into a pulp," his mother sighs but an amused look washed over her face. Bella grins too before rubbing his rosey cheeks. "He has blood in him, which is strange."

  Her friend nods, silently agreeing with her statement. "Edward has told me so much about you. It took some time to get used to everyone. Well, I mean human blood."

  "I'm stable now," she reassures, rubbing her shoulder before placing a kiss full of adoration on her son's forehead. "Jasper has trained me to become used to animals and their scents. All my senses, at first, were dialed up. That's a fair warning for when you decide to step into your second life."

Ethan wiggles out of her hold to run towards his bedroom. When he's gone, she whispers to her friend, "Why do you call it that?"

  "Because when you receive the blessing and curse of Immortality, it is nothing like your life beforehand. This...this is all new to me. I've changed so much that I'm a stranger to my human self."

  The words settle into her friend's beating heart. A lesson she needed to learn before her choice is finalized. "Is it like that?"

  "It is."


  "Don't be afraid. This life, though it'll come with many consequences, will allow you to see the true beauty behind the parts of nature that a human is blind to." Her cheeks are lifted as she smiles. A smile that speaks more than her words. "This life has even granted me with a gift of seeing those I have lost. Even some I haven't seen in ages."

  "Like who?" Bella questions.

  "My mom's sister. Her name is Alyssa. Apparently, she does not like my boyfriend."

Creation & Destruction [3] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now