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  Joanna always thought she was a cat person, now it seems that she was changing into a lover of dogs.

  In her room, offering her a trashcan as she vomited once again was Leah Clearwater. The older woman wasn't disturbed by Joanna's actions and appearance, she had come to accept it all. Which surprised not only Joanna, but herself too. Seth was a different story.

  For a moment, Joanna heaves for a moment, groaning out into the open air. A few curses were thrown into the mix. "When will this baby decided to move out of me?"

   Although Joanna was complaining in agony, Leah couldn't stop the snort that rolled out of her. "Sorry," she is quick to respond. "Just give him a little bit. The baby is waiting for the right moment to head into the real world." Gently, she raked a hand through her friend's dark strands, holding her hair back when Joanna bent forward and hurled again.

  Heart tightening in sympathy, she ushered reassuring words. "It's going to be alright."

  The upcoming mother gagged as she pealed herself away from the trashcan, her head landing on her pillows. As of lately, her skin was sticking to her bones, eyes dull and almost black. Her lips were cracked like an aged pot. In her eyes, she looked hideous, in the eyes of everyone else, she was a ticking clock.

  Death would arrive on her at any time now, so her body would tick off the seconds.

  That hurt a lot more for Joanna than the disadvantages of her pregnancy. Especially with the fact she was carrying a child unknown to nature. An alien amongst them all.

  Sluggishly, her eyes rolled to the side, focusing on her friend as she laid across the foot of the bed. "So, how's Sue?"

  Leah's features twisted into mild confusion on why she questioning about her mother but made no movement to remain silent. Sitting up slightly, she rolls her lips as she tried to speak her words. In all honesty, she hadn't chatted up with her mother in a good minute. However, from what she has heard from her, things weren't going so well. Sue was severely worried for the girl she counted as a daughter.

  Though Joanna was carrying a child with her mortal enemy, she still loved her and wished to be by her side. Along with smacking the pack up the side of the head.

   When a long period of silence covered them, Joanna was about to retreat until Leah cleared her throat. "She's wondering how you all are doing. My mom is worried for you, Jo, and your health."

  Hearing this made a scratch appear on her heart. Sue Clearwater was truly a stunning mother who cared immensely for her other family - the Hodgsons. Now, here she was, even knowing that she was pregnant with a being that was a stranger to both the human and supernatural world, she still cared. That was worth a lot more than any pot of gold.

  Joanna understood and hummed in response, not sure what to say. Though, she quipped, "I'll get through this."

   She could tell Leah wanted say more, argue with her that her life needed to continue. Instead, Leah sighed heavily and collapsed back on the bed. Hair sprawled out like a peacocks showy feathers, eyes fluttering close, Joanna was memorized. Of course, Leah wasn't an immortal, but her features resembled closely to the Cullen family.

   A small smile grew on her lips before her stomach twisted uncomfortably. Joanna ignored this and took notice of how she a pair of eyes stare at her. A pair of golden eyes, to be exact.

   "I'll leave," Leah grunted, sensing her friend's mate right outside of the room. Squeezing her shoulder softly, Lesh trotted out of the room for an immortal to replace her.

Creation & Destruction [3] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now