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Drinking blood was much harder to drink than she imagined.

  "It's horrible at first, I know," Jasper drawls out. He's sitting behind her on the couch, the leather crinkling as he bends forward to capture the cup of God-awfuo liquid. How the blood is such a deep red color, thick and horrific knowing it came from an animal, she couldn't stand for the sight.

  Although it sucked ass to drink the blood of a dead animal, she had to this for them. For Jasper, herself, and their child.

  She took the cup from his hand, trembling slightly as she viewed the liquid. I can't, she thought to herself, tears threatening to form. No, it's so gross. How the hell do they do this?

Sitting on the edge of one of the leather chairs in the living room, Edward heard her hazardous thoughts. He was the same at first, but in the end, it saved him. The idea of drinking the blood that stole someone's life was near impossible to do, but once it happened, there was no going back.

  "You'll be fine. You need this, Jo," Edward explained, watching them from his spot. He still had doubts for her choices, but he wouldn't give up on her. Even Bella was slowly forgiving him, but he knew she would beat him down later. Bella was a dangerous woman when she was furious.

  Joanna sliced through him with a glare. "I get that. Doesn't stop me from being grossed out." Slowly, she brought the cup to her lips and everyone in the Cullen household, including one Swan, watched with curious eyes. She stopped. "Don't you guys need it more than me? I mean, with Sam and his fuckin' pack?"

  "What they're doing isn't bothering us," lied Rosalie. The blonde was standing behind the couch, getting a bird's eye view of Joanna's sight. "Try pinching your nose, you won't taste it as much," she advised, growing more concerned if she would last long enough with her holding out the drink. None of them had fed in the past few days.

  Not with the wolves sealing a threat on the Cullens. Joanna didn't understand the whole wolf telepathy thing, but she agreed that it wasn't Leah's fault. As Jacob said on the phone with Bella, it's uncontrollable.

  Just like Joanna was when she felt something crawl up her throat, making her gag. Riley was quick to grab the nearest trashcan, which led Jasper to take away her cup.

   She emptied her stomach in the trash, cursing up a storm. "This is fuckin' insane. I-I cannot stand throwing up any longer!"

  Esme placed a soft hand on her shoulder, rubbing away her desires to stop it all. "I know, Jo, I know." Because out of all of them, she was the only one to truly know what pregnancy was like. "That's it," she cooed as Joanna stopped, sluggishly pulling away from the trash. Riley removed it and Jasper returned her cup.

She chugged it down, ignoring as her throat contrasted. Her gagging echoed in the room, causing everyone to look away.

  "It's..." She stopped, something within her flickered. Her eyes widened, a magical spell was casted upon her. Beforehand, she felt herself decaying: bones become brittle, bruises being painted on her skin like a vile painting, skin sticking to her bones and allowing her bones to peak through. She looked absolutely horrible.

  But as the blood traveled down her throat, trailing down her body and flowing through her system, she felt alive for a moment. Maybe this was good. As much as the taste made her gag, made her want to throw away her stomach entirely, this was helping.

  Slowly, she smirked to herself.

  "The baby is most definitely happy," Jasper revealed, his large hands taking a firm spot on her stomach. "You're disgusted, but I can tell you feel better, don't you?"

Creation & Destruction [3] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now