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In life, a person is granted a million wishes. If they desire to create a family, they follow the route that was paved out specifically for them. When the game of life took a turn, disaster would happen and suddenly, you felt that you couldn't do anything.

  A person would he falling down a deep, dark hole full of unpredictable nightmares. Death, fears, guilt, anything that would make a person scream our for help - it would happen.

  Life could be beautiful at times, full of bright colors, cheers and laughter, and those someone has loved. Sadly, it wasn't always this case. A person could be sad, moping around the beautiful Earth that was given for them to live. It could be that way for days, weeks, or even eternity.

  It was this reason and many other that Joanna had chosen not to change. She could live eternity with all this. As much as she would love to be by the cover's side until the moon didn't shine anymore, the guilt would consume her. A poison that was unstoppable and un-treatable.

   "You could be due anytime this week," Rosalie announces as she enters Joanna's bedroom, a tray filled with her breakfast secured in her hands. Her golden eyes had darkened into something more sinister for she and her family haven't fed for days. With Sam and his group surrounding the home, they were locked in their own prison.

  A solid month had passed since Leah arrived to the home with the news. It struck everyone's nerves, so badly that even Leah had permanently left the pack. Her brother, as much as Leah threw a fit about, followed his sister's foot steps.

  Joanna was alarmed when Leah clarified her choices, but happened nearly two weeks. The atmosphere shifted dramatically and now, the pregnant female was really understand how death would destroy her.

  Skin stuck to her bones like a thin piece of fabric, eyes and cheeks hollowed out, bruises splattered across her stomach like a horrible painting. This was a corpse more than a living, breathing human.

  When Rosalie placed the tray down, she lifted a cup full of blood to Joanna's chapped lips. "I have the trashcan to my right in case." Her heart fluttered with warmth at her words before she slowed devoured her third cup for that day. The more blood she took in, the more brightness she felt creep within her.

  The cup was removed and leisurely, Joanna took a bite of her cream cheese bagel. Esme prepped the meal for him and as usual, every bite was amazing.

  "We've narrowed down the names," she explained, her voice heavy with death. Dark eyes fluttered close on Rosalie as she listened to her, it was a reminded of her own decades ago. "Ethan and Kelsey."

  "Kelsey?" Rosalie wonders.

  "Jasper chose for a girl." A small chuckle tripped out of Joanna's lips before she took another bite. Her actions were delayed, body aching every time she moved. Luckily, Carlisle had bedridden her and she felt better now. Well, only slightly.

   When she finished her breakfast, the blonde removed the tray and sat on the edge of her bed. Her outfit, even as lazily as it may seem, was gorgeous on her figure. A pair of light pink sweats covered her legs while a white and black long sleeve covered her upper half. Long curls were bottled on top of her head in a stunning messy bun.

  The immortal looked drastically different to the human, so much so that Joanna became slightly jealous.

"I'm excited," Joanna admitted after a too long of a moment of silence. Her voice made Rosalie lift a perfectly crafted eyebrow. "Isn't it strange? At first, it didn't seem that big of a deal when I found out about the baby. Now, I'm thrilled." Eyes shimmering, she took in a quick gulp of air. Emotions were running a mile then.

Creation & Destruction [3] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now