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Joanna Hodgson never expected herself to look the way she did.

  With her shirt locked under her chin, eyes widening as she placed her hands on her large stomach, she gasped. Two weeks had passed and she looked almost two months pregnant. The stomach stood out, of course, but when she let go of her shirt, she looked like she was before.


  Esme stood behind her, a gentle smile cracking her skin. "It's fascinating, isn't it?" From her own experience, she remembered how thrilled she was when she looked at her stomach, feeling life grow right inside her. Now, as she watched Joanna act the same, her eyes always watered. It was a heartwarming sight. "I heard you making guesses on the gender."

  "Bella believes I'm having a boy and Rose believes I'm having a little girl. Alice is fine with either," she explained, looking over her shoulder and at the immortal. "And Jasper is just glaring at the stomach."

  Esme closed her eyes, sighing as visions of her blonde son bloomed in her head. As much as she loved him, cherished him, appreciated him; what he was doing was wrong. Blantly ignoring his pregnant girlfriend. As many times as she scolded him, telling him that he needs to understand from her point of view, he only stuck to his opinion.

  That the baby would kill her.

  "He'll come to his senses one day," Esme said, determined for the couple to reconnect again with their child. "But for now, I suppose some dinner would help you. Nor trying to be rude, but you look paler than usual."

  Joanna lightly touched her cheek, taking notice how pale she was becoming.

  She needed to visit the sun a whole lot more.

  "Mind if I help you cook?" Joanna asks her, slipping her slippers on as she followed Esme out of her bedroom. The second leader of the coven hummed, descending down the stairs and into their elegant kitchen. The rustic feel the kitchen gave off made Joanna feel at home, especially with the cookie jar full of vanilla Oreos that was placed in their home for her and Bella.

  Speaking of the brunette, she was spotted in the kitchen.

  "Hey," she greeted, sending a small wave as she sipped on her can of soda. Her smile grew as she saw Joanna's stomach come into view. "And hello to my nephew."

  Her words created a giggle from Joanna.

  "I believe Carlisle was right about my term going quick. I already look big." She lifted her shirt faintly to showcase her stomach. Esme rolled her amber eyes, amused by Joanna's word choice. The woman pulled out some chicken from the fridge, already preparing to make some chicken enchiladas for the upcoming mother.

  Joanna noticed this and stood by Esme's side, eager to help.

  Yet it didn't last long as the smell of pepper entered the atmosphere. Her sense of smell caught a whiff of the pepper and her stomach churned in the worst way possible. She suddenly felt nauseous and ran to the sink, letting out her insides.

  The sounds she produced caught Esme's and Bella's attention and quickly the girls came to her side, helping her the process of her afternoon sickness.

  "Fuck," Joanna whined, wiping at her mouth with a paper towel. Her hair was held at the base of her neck by Esme, whom of which was pouting down at the female. Pity.

  The struggles pregnancy brought, but in the end, it would all be worth it.


  Joanna locked eyes with Emmett. "Shut up," she grumbled before gagging over the sink again. "You are so lucky that you're not having a baby."

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