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Tattoos have always played an important role in Joanna's life. Each one that was permanently sketched on her body held value, such as the three dots on her finger. Those were a symbol of her lost family.

  Her father's name was laid across her collar bone. Every time she looked down, she would see his name. Almost as if he was patting her on the back, letting her know that he was here.

  A pair of Mickey Mouse ears were on her neck. The only value they held was her overall love for Disney. Her favorite movie was always Tangled, and so it was one of her firsts.

  On her back was a quote. A quote so small, but was so powerful. "One of a kind," it says on her back, allowing the world to show just who she was. Every human on earth was brilliantly unique. Joanna was one of them. She was an artist, held a troublesome potty mouth, enjoyed the wilder parts of life. She held her pain inside until it was too much and she would find herself falling into a deep, endless pool. Her trauma would keep her up at night. Bombs. Bombs everywhere.

  But when she took her first step into her new life, all her art vanished. So did her moles and scars.

  All was left was a newborn. Soft, cold skin. She was a literal newborn.

  So when she stares at herself in the mirror while she sways a sleeping Ethan from side to side, she can't help but frown. An important part of he didn't transition in her new body.

  Parts of her had enhanced, although it wouldn't make up for parts she missed. Her raven locks were shinier, reminding her of the feathers upon the familiar bird. Her dark, ruby eyes glistened with mystery and showed how she was a threat now.

  Her skin became paler, resembling a sea shell she would snatch from La Push beach.

  Ethan gained some of the parts she missed of her human life. Grey eyes were fluttered close, his breaths slowed and placed as he slumped against her. Even with her cold exterior, he relaxed instantly. A mother's bond.

   "You're beautiful, you know that?" She questioned him, though no answer flew from him. It was expected, for Ethan was only a couple weeks old by now. However, everyone was keeping a close eye on him due to a surprising factor - he was aging quickly. With only being born, he resembled more of a one-year-old.

  Joanna was on edge the moment Carlisle mentioned his appearance. Her boyfriend wasn't any different. Currently, Jasper left to go feed. She fed just before and switched places with him.

  "Mommy was right, you gained all my beauty. Just wait till you meet my mama," she tells him with a heartwarming smile. Every single day, Callie Hodgson would call, checking up on her daughter since she moved back in. Questions would come on about her pregnancy and when she asked, Ethan would be in her hold.

  Lies were said. I'm still getting morning sickness, but I'm still alive. I can't wait for you to meet the little angel. Only if she knew.

  Ethan sneezed into her, earning a groan in response from his mother. Nasty. Baby snot. She wiped away it before watching as he reopened his eyes, expressing his joy to see his mother again.

  "Hi, Ethan. You hungry?"

  His gums glistened under the light, along with his subtle teeth sticking out as he smiled up at her. "Fuh," he told her, lacking to say the actual word.

  "The closest you'll ever get to dropping a cuss word, huh?"

  Without another word, besides her son's rambling nonsense, she made her way into the kitchen. Alice, catching her by surprise, was already preparing a bottle of blood for Joanna's son. The red liquid glistened under the lights, igniting a flame in Joanna's throat. Desire replaced her overall feelings, so much so that Alice sent her a worried look.

Creation & Destruction [3] | Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now