A promise is a promise

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When I got home I went straight to my room. I launched my computer and started to play some video games, just to forget about this whole situation. My sister arrived a few minutes later. Hearing her footsteps I was getting ready for some more ridiculity. I'll just have to survive it somehow. She entered my room with a large grin on her face

- Hey there sis

- Stop calling me that - I answered angrily

- Oh, don't be such a girl... ups... - she laughed again

- I swear I will kill you someday... - I said threw my teeth

- Oh yeah, right... swearing... promises... kind of big deal - she made a dramatic pause - I remember that you promised me something today and I think that you should keep your promise - she said while getting from her bag a dress that clerk suggested I should wear

- You have to be kidding me!

- Not at all sis, a promise is a promise and you promised that you will try on whatever they will suggest

- I don't care If I promised, just forget it

- Fine.. Fine.. - she said - Guess if you are backing off from your promises, I should do the same... - she said while getting out from the room. I didn't like that... I didn't like that at all.

- Wait, what did you mean by that? - she stopped and turned around to face me

- Well.. I don't know.. Maybe I'll forget that I promised you that I won't tell mom and dad about that pot that I found in your room

- You can't be serious!

- Oh yes I am!

- They will kill me!

- Well it's too bad that you decided to break promises like that!

We stood for a minute in silence looking in each other's eyes. I couldn't believe it, she got me... She actually got me.. I can't believe what I'm about to do...

- Please don't do this - I said pleadingly in act of desperation

- Oh come on, don't make a big deal of it! It will be just for a while.

- Fine - I said with anger and grabbed the dress from her hand

She jumped a little with joy while I started to undress. I took off all my clothes except boxers and then put on the dress. It felt strange. I hated to admit but it felt really comfortable. The soft cotton material felt much better on my skin than any of my t-shirts and the idea that I could walk like that with no pants was really freeing. I looked down on myself and felt really good. Megan covered her mouth with hands.

- Oh my God sis, you look gorgeous. The clerk was right, you just needed to express your femininity. - She was smiling, but not laughing so hard like before - Come on, you have to see it for yourself

She grabbed me by my hand and brought me to her room where she had a large mirror. From one side I wanted to undress right away, but from the other side I became a little curious how I looked.  I couldn't believe what I saw. I was looking like a really cute girl and all that I needed was a dress. I never was into my looks. I didn't care. But now, I really liked how I looked. This was so strange.

- It would be so much better for you if you were a girl

I wanted to deny it, but looking at my reflection I just couldn't do it. I don't know how much I would have to work on my appearance to look as a handsome guy, but to look as a cute girl all I needed was a dress.

- Hmm.. I bet I could make you look even better with few hair clips and a little makeup - she started to look for something on her desk. However her mentioning the makeup was a little wakeup call for me

- What?! No fucking way! - I took of a dress - I tried it on as I promised, but I won't play with you in some makeover

- Oh... Comone... Why not?

- Just NO!

I left her room and went to mine. I shot the door hard and sat in front of my computer. After just a few seconds Megan opened the door to my room with the dress in her hands

- You forgot your dress - She said while laying it on my bed

- GET OUT!!! - I shouted and shoo her away from the room

I felt like I would explode any second. I grabbed the dress and wanted to go straight to the garbage bin to throw it out. But then I realized that Megan is probably waiting for that. So I hid it under my bed. Tomorrow I start my school later so she will have to go to her work before me. I'll just throw it into some garbage can on the way. With that thought I got back to my computer and launched some video games. Games always consumed all of my attention, but not this time. This time I had a little flashback now and then of that cute girl that I saw in the mirror today.

The girl that I found inside meWhere stories live. Discover now