⠀⠀ o5. the read-through

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RICKY stood in the corner of the room, eyes wandering as he surveyed everyone who was mulling around in the bomb-shelter

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RICKY stood in the corner of the room, eyes wandering as he surveyed everyone who was mulling around in the bomb-shelter. He could see Miss Jenn and Carlos discussing where the name tags should go on the desks, swapping tags around left right and centre, not being able to decide on a permanent spot for them to go.

Ricky didn't want to be here - no offence to the theatre club or anything, he was proud of himself and grateful that he had received the leading man role once again, but he had things to do at home. He needed to go and apologise to his dad for blowing up at him that morning over something stupid, and then just walking out as if nothing had happened. Ricky had been beating himself up over it all day, knowing he should've gone back and apologised, or at least spoken to his dad during the day, but he hadn't done, and now he was regretting it.

Little things like that ruined days for Ricky, but it hadn't always been like that. He hadn't always been this sensitive, hadn't always been so easily irritable when it came to the little things like how his dad spoke about his friends or how people would look at him funny in the corridors, like he had a stain on his t-shirt. He would blame it on himself, but he knew that the changes that had occurred over the past few months since mid-way junior year had damaged him.

Ricky could see Harrison in the corner of the room, talking to one of the dancers who Ricky could've sworn he had never seen before, and the curly-haired brunette was glad he was on the other side of the room as the boy - it wasn't that he disliked Harrison, he seemed like a nice boy and Ricky wouldn't be completely against the idea of getting to know him, he just got bad vibes off the boy for some reason, but he didn't really know why. Maybe he was just paranoid?

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