Good Dog

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Halo everyone! This is the first story on here and I hope you enjoy it! Some things that may be not liked however are that the relationship is gay, and there is some bad language so! If you are any of the following, these stories are not for you:

•Homophobic •Racist •Sexist •judgmental

Thank you for reading!!!<3


Amelia POV

It was 11:45 and I was exhausted, I'd been driving for the past 6 hours of our 18 hour driving trip, my girlfriend and I were moving to Texas for a cheap land deal we saw online. Even though it had been a long day, we had another 8 hour drive ahead of us tomorrow and needed a place to crash for the next few hours.

"Baaabbbeeee, I'm tiereeedd" my girlfriend, Sam, complained.

"I know Hun, me too, only 15 more minutes until we get to the hotel..." I respond.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, ever since our stop at that gas station a few hours back, I'd been hearing a little scratching noise coming from the trunk. You're just tired Amelia, you're probably just hearing the bags shift in the trunk. Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself.

I put the truck in park and pull the parking break as we finally reach the hotel. Gently shaking my girlfriend awake again.

"Sam, dearest" I whisper "we've reached the hotel, come on, let's get inside."  She was still really tired so I half carried her to the elevator with the key after I checked in for us.

1... 2... 3... the elevator numbers count up to four as we reach the top floor of the building. I was barely able to convince Sam to change before going to bed. It was already 1:16 am when we finally curled up and fell asleep for the next few hours.

After what had seemed like seconds, i'm stirred from sleep by my phone playing the alarm. I considered hitting snooze but I knew it would be better to just get up. It was already 7:30am and we needed to hit the road.

After waking up Sam, getting dressed and eating a quick breakfast, we check out of the hotel and got back to the truck.

Soon enough we were driving down an older road with roadkill every few miles. Looking around we had finally passed the Texas state line! I quickly snapped a picture as we drove by the sign. The clock now read 10:36am as we passed by the endless cattle pastures and empty fields.

"Hey," Sam exclaimed "only 5 hours left!"

"Oh joy!" I jokingly complained from the passengers seat and giggled

Scratch scratch

What the? Am I still hearing things after last night? What on earth was that sound?

Scratch scratch

"Babe, you heard that right?" Sam asked suspiciously

'Well at least I'm not the only one' I thought

"Yeah, I heard that, it was like a scratching sound..."

"What on earth do you think it wa-" Sam was cut off by a sharp and small whimper, quickly followed by two more.

"Let's pull over a minute" I suggested

Our truck slowed to a stop on the road side. We both got out and approached the covered truck bed, we glanced at each other nervously.

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