Chapter 22: It's all about trust

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"can you see anything?" I shouted up to Tiran who was now clambering around in the trees, trying to search for any sign of life or Matthew. "Matthew, can you see Matthew?" I asked, my heart lurches for a moment with hope but is only crushed by Tiran saying,

"no," a hearty sigh leaves my lips due to my crushed hope yet again,  "just some more trees, the same again, nothing- wait..." he shouts down, drowning out at the last part.

"what?" I shout suddenly frantic. "what do you see?" but my ears are only greeted by the brushing of trees and the tweeting of birds flying inbetween branches. "Tiran!" I shout up again, after a few minutes of silence. "speak to me Tiran, please!" I beg, my eyes search for him hidden in the trees.

Without thinking I scramble toward the tree, of which he had climbed. Dropping everything that we had salvaged from the wreckage, or what we found along with us on the beach. But before I can begin to climb a voice stops me.

"who are you?" a male voice asks me. I come to a halt. My back suddenly rigid, as if I'd just been shot by an arrow and was attempting to ease the impact of the pain.

"I wanted to say it!" another voice whined, a female this time and the sound of metal upon metal rang throughout the forest.

"yeah... well, I said it first!" the male countered. I was still facing the trees, I knew that I had a chance to go but I also knew that Tiran was up there somewhere and I wasn't about to leave him, or our belongings.

"but it was my turn!"


"so, you're a muttonhead!"

"muttonhead statue." he corrected.

"just shut up!"

"no you!"

"no you!" the continuous sound of clanging metal on metal, mixed with the cries from each side, both wanting to win the battle. I managed to relax, knowing that I'd been caught, but not by the most wittiest of people.

Sighing, I finally decided to turn around to look at my so-called 'captures', who had probably forgotten that I was even there.

Definitely not what I was expecting. Two almost identical blonde haired twins, a boy and girl. Each trying to hit somewhere unguarded or where it would presumably cause the most amount of pain.

"wait, wait, Wait!" the braided one called out to her brother finally noticing that I was still there but he didn't.

"Tiran!" I shouted up again whilst they were 'preoccupied'. "Tiran! Please speak to me, where are you?"

"shut up!" one of them snapped, after there fighting contest.

"Tiran!" I didn't stop.

"who are you?" the girl asked instead of her brother this time, but not without a glare from her brother. "why are you here? Who's this 'Tiran' person? Are you one of those filthy vikings? What are you doing?" she started bombarding me with questions but I just smirked and said,

"now that would be telling." a moment later and they were out cold on the ground.

"thought you could use a hand," my ever humorous husband that he is gave me his all teeth bearing grin.

"took you long enough," I smiled back, just happy that he was still here in front of me. Being my husband. Only a few scratches from the tree marked his skin, but nothing more. "what did you find, Matthew?" I inquired.

"no, not Matthew," he shook his head. A saddened expression clear on his aged face.

"then what?"


"smoke?" I asked confusedly.

"yes, smoke, that means there's a village, probably where those two nitwits came from. I gotta say, they're not very bright are they?"

"no," I smirked, "what we going to do with them now?"

"leave them, they wouldn't hurt a fly."

"but what about their friends, they know about us now." I noted, nodding towards the pair of blondes on the ground.

"hm.." he looked thoughtful, rubbing his chin. "well, we could do with some hostages,"

"just what I was thinking." I nod in approval. Our plan might actually be fitting into place now.


"wow," I exclaim in awe, now with my hand resting on a dragon I thought I would never see let alone touch especially if father had anything to say about it. "this is incredible, he's incredible!" I continue to rub as the giant dragon purrs softly in, I think, comfort. "what's his name?"

"Toothless," Hiccup grins at me. "and you haven't seen anything yet." I look at him in confusion.

Suddenly, a pair of arms swoop down, lifting me into a pair of strong arms.

"ahhh!" I squeal in surprise. A low chuckle erupts from behind me as I'm placed on the back of a dragon!

"you ready?" Hiccup says hopping on from behind me. It feels so comforting in his arms. He's so warm.

"Hiccup, I'm scared." I tell him honestly looking down at the dragon before me.

Father had taught me everything about dragons. How they ate everything. Destroyed anything in sight, including people like me. He had taught me about how bad they were, killing machines. Monsters. But now seeing where I am now, I can't help but think that he's wrong.

"hey, it's ok. I was just like you when I was your age." he ruffles my hair to ease my tension. "just relax, Toothless is a good dragon. He won't hurt you, I promise." he says, I look back into his eyes. Only now do I notice how alike we are. "do you trust me?"

I think for a moment. Even with all the warnings from my mother and father swimming around my mind like a storm of memory's, trying to pull me away from him. But I know deep down that I do. Mother and Father are far away for now as I say,

"yes, I trust you Hiccup." and we leave the ground, taking off into the sky on the back of a dragon for my very first flight.





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