Chapter 39: New news

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Well, we weren't expecting that.

What did you expect me to think? How about... I can't believe it, gasp! This is so unreal. How? What? Why? Who? Nope, you're not going to get it. Of course, I must admit, I was shocked. Who wouldn't be in this situation? Finding out that my adopted son is in fact my grandson never flew into my mind at all. What a coincidence.

But, right now, my eyes widened as I looked towards my son, no grandson. His eyes darting around the room in a frantic sequence, his breathing choked as his eyes watered slightly. Being his mother for 5 years, I knew instantly what was wrong with him - he was scared. Quaking in his small fur boots. His eyes pleading for someone to comfort him, love him. Without hesitation, I took a step forward, but was stopped by Tiran gripping onto my arm and shaking his head - no.

The thing is, Tiran knew that I had a thing about meddling. But, what was I supposed to feel, do? My baby was in trouble. In search for his mum. Confused. Scared. He was terrified. And I knew I was the one who could comfort and soothe him in a motherly embrace. A Mothers instinct. Despite the fact that I just wanted to leap over there, tear him away from the others and hug him, nurture him, love him as much as I could, I didn't. I nodded towards my husband, stepping back to stand by my him and lowering my head to the ground to numb the temptation of kissing him with all the love I felt for him. It was tough, but I knew that it wasn't my time to intrude.

Of all the people in the world. It's like fate had positioned this precisely. Everything that has passed in our mostly dreadful lives have all been preparing us for this very specific moment. It seems strange, almost impossible really. But then you can probably support this argument. When does this evrr happen? Good and bad moments passed, but I couldn't seem to find the right one for this one.

"How long have you known?!" A wail interrupted my small mind escapade, as my mind flitted through several more impossibilities that now seemed possible. I looked over to my daughter, who was struggling in her own husbands arms. Obviously fighting away tears, but eventually giving up and drooping into his arms. I felt Tiran stiffen beside me, along with a low growl reverberating from his throat. I slap his arm, still watching the two, warning him. They looked so in love, more so than me and Tiran if that were even possible. How he stroked back her hair, wiped away her tears, whispered lovingly to her. One thing I regret is not being here to watch it happen, see their love bloom from a bud into the most beauteous flower.

"A few moments ago... I-its the scar, H-hiccups picture and-" the other boy stuttered, trying to get through his words. Not that I was surprised, she has her fathers spirit. She raised her petite hand up, silencing him, muttering something to Hiccup before shrugging out of his hold and then quickly turning towards my son. Matthew. Standing there, eyes wide, his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he shivered slightly despite the roasting fire in the room - which was already causing me to sweat buckets. She edged closer, soon stooping down to reach Matthews small height. Staring eye to eye with him. I noticed his breathing quickened, sweat now pouring down his forehead in small droplets. His eyes reaching him. I swallowed back a cry, as I watched my poor boy helpless.

"You're scaring him," I warned her with as much will as I could muster. I must save my baby. Her icy blue eyes met my own in a cold, chilling glare, rendering me silent instantly. Removing my eyes from hers to stare down at the interesting floorboards beneath me. A gasp made me look back him, seeing her stroking his cheek lightly, a part of him shivering another finding comfort. They slid across his lips, forehead, and chin effortlessly, eventually cupping his cheek, her thumb brushing it lightly as she brushed a few strands of hair away from his eyes and cheek. Suddenly, a choked gasp erupted from her lips, rendering her momentarily speechless, along with everyone else in the room with us. Holding in our breaths as we waited for two or three words to be spoken:

"It's him." She whispered, causing tears to spring to my eyes and the sound of everyone else breathing a heavy sigh of relief caressing my eardrums. A choked gasp appeared out of the blue as all the air was knocked out of Matthew, seeing Astrid giving him a bone crushing hug. "It's our son." She confirmed, but it fell on death ears. I've lost my baby. My baby's gone.

But all those thoughts were removed as the sound of someone falling back interrupted the tranquil silence. I looked back up to see Matthew, looking around the room frantically - Hiccup, me, Tiran, then back to Astrid. We all looked at him, momentarily stunned at the sudden strength that he had.

"N-no!" He said, shaking his head vigorously. "No!" He repeated, wiping all escaped tears roughly from his cheeks with the back of his hand before he bolted right out of the door.





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