Chapter 30: Back to square one

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It had became quite fun - tormenting Astrid I mean. She was just so gullible and feisty, although I will never get over the fact that she chose Hiccup over me - I'm happy for them.

Losing my nephew a few years back was a low blow for them - and me - but they never seemed to realise that. Of course I was always there on the rescue missions, it's funny that I never got to see him although I am family. I had been promised the next day - the day that never came. It broke my cousins heart, but he never showed it - it was quite obvious though.

I certainly wasn't expecting Astrid to open up to me like she did, although we are family I thought she'd at least consult Hiccup first.

"hey, I thought we were supposed to be looking for the twins?" I tried to break the sudden awkward mood that we had collided into, nodding towards the unsearched forest below.

"oh gees-" she began, but I'm not done yet.

"don't worry babe, no need for excuses, you were just so captivated by this." I boasted flexing and kissing my perfect muscles.

"and he's back!" she chirped sarcastically, whilst rolling her eyes.

"that's where you're wrong babe, I never left." I chuckled, this is more like it - the mood is better, funnier and - wait... "hey, can you smell smoke?"

Astrid sniffs the air, her small nose scrunching up at the foul smell you'd think as dragon riders that we'd be used to this smell by now, well I'm certainly not - despite the countless times that my treasured butts been set on fire.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked, turning towards Astrids, suddenly feeling scared and gulping hoping that she is.

"Yes, let's go." she nodded, making me visibly sigh and slouch down in relief. Finally, someone who sees things my way

"Ok then." I agreed, turning Hookfang towards the way we came knowing that Astrid will probably catch up.

"Right, let's head down there then!" I heard Astrid shout over the rushing wind, making me turn around to face her - despite me being a great distance away.


"Snotlout!" she shouted, "Where are you going?" I reluctantly turned the very disobedient dragon back around, heading towards Astrid and Stormfly again.

"I thought you were thinking what I was thinking?" I asked confusedly, scrunching up my eyebrows.

"And what was that?" she said, hands placed firmly on my hips in that whole 'don't mess with me' kind of way.

"er, to run away and find Hiccup?" I said, scratching the top of my head - thinking.

"Hiccup?" she scoffed, "you can't get Hiccup to fix all of your problems, Snotlout!" she finished, shaking my head.

"But it's easier that way!" I whined, slumping my shoulders down in emphasis. 

"Snotlout, how old are you?" she asked me suddenly.

"er..." I said, tapping my head with my fingers, trying to work it out.

"Alright, don't answer that." she said, shaking her head. "Look, are you a mouse or a viking?" she then asked.

"er, right now?" I asked her seriously, I'm surprised as she slaps one of her hands to her forehead. "oh, right now!" I exclaimed, finally getting it, arms spread out wide in victory. "A mouse..." I decided, drooping my head to put more emphasis into it.

"Urgh!" she groaned - a sound I've become quite accustomed to. "Let's just go." she then instructed me, signaling her hand in the smokes direction.

The Flaws of being a Hiccup take IIIWhere stories live. Discover now