Chapter 2|Almost Meeting

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Y/N's Pov
Me and Josh have been talking a lot and I can't wait to meet him in person. I'm going to be home alone for a while because my parents are on a business trip out of state so maybe he could even stay here for a little I just hope it's not akward.



Y/N😍🤩:Hey Josh I have a question


Y/N😍🤩:So my parents are out on a business trip


Y/N😍🤩:Let me finish damn lol
anyways do you wanna stay at my house or you don't have to I was just asking

Josh🥵💕:Yea of course!!

Y/N😍🤩:phew lol why was I nervous to ask

Josh🥵💕:Idk wanna FaceTime???


Incoming FaceTime from Josh🥵💕

Josh's Pov
After the second ring Y/N answers and her beautiful smile lights up the room
Josh:Damn she's gorgeous
Y/N:Thanks your not to bad yourself
Josh:Crap sorry I was thinking out loud ignore that
Y/N:No it was cute lol
I couldn't help but smile
Y/N:Awwwe Josh your blushing
Josh:No I'm not be quiet
Y/N:Anyways I can't wait to see you
Josh:Me either I have everything planned out but I need you to meet me at Starbucks down town
We talked for hours I can't wait to meet her

Word count is 280
Ok guys I know this was really short but like I said yesterday I'm at a baby shower but like who cares I'm gonna update again.

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