chapter 18|Trouble In Paradise

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Before anything I just wanted to say that this is just for the story I don't think Nessa is actually evil in any way. Hope you enjoy!

After the second ring she answered.

"What the hell do you want Cameron!! I told you we were done!!" We heard her yell and we all jumped.

"Damn shawty! Chill." Josh said to the girl, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy. And I don't know why.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard the girl question though the screen.

"Josh, Josh Richards" he said with a smirk on his face. "And who are you?" He asked curiously. And I don't know why but I felt very anxious.

"I'm Nessa, Nessa Barrett" she replied with a slight giggle at the end. "So what makes the Josh Richards call my phone" she added before Josh could say anything.

"Would you believe me if I said that I wanted to take you out" he said not caring that I was right there. I am fucking pissed, like I get that it's just for fun and he will probably never see or talk to her ever again, but I'm still pissed.

I just sat there, my leg bouncing up and down at a fast pace. Im assuming Jaden noticed I was mad because he put his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "It's going to be ok, it's not like he'll ever see her besides he's with you." I nodded in response but still couldn't help it.

"And how do I know you won't hurt me Mr. Richards?" She said with her annoying voice.

"Oh come on sunshine we both know I'm very gentle with the ladies" he responded at this point it was like he was completely ignoring my existence.

I swear if I hear one more flirtatious thing I'm going to lose it, absolutely fucking lose it!

"Ok than how about we talk a little more and then maybe I'll consider it" she said interrupting my thoughts. "And when I do consider it, you can drop this y/n bitch and we can be a thing" she added.

"Oh hell to the fucking no" I yelled, at this point I didn't care if she heard me.

"Babe calm down it was just for fun, I'm not actually going to go out with her." Josh said grabbing my waist, and pulling me onto his lap.

"I don't give a shit you mine as we-" before I could finish my sentence i was cut off by Nessa.

"So Josh text me?" She asked not caring about what just happened.

"For sure" he said before hanging up.

Who the hell does he think he is?

"What the fuck is your problem dude?" I turn around to where the voice came from and it was Jaden.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked as if he didn't just tell that bitch (again no hate towards Nessa I love her this is just for the story don't come at me) he would text her back.

"Dude your a piece of shit" Payton yelled at Josh.

"I didn't do shit, what the fuck are you talking about?" Josh yelled back.

"Oh fuck you!" I yelled at Josh getting up from his lap.

"you know what forget you guys, your all just loose ends!" He yelled

"Me? A lose end? Your a fucking dick!" I yelled with tears threatening to come out.

"Babe I-I'm sor-" he began.

"Your not fucking sorry Joshua! You meant what you fucking said!" I yelled while tears where streaming down my face.

"But baby I-I love you." He hesitated

"Oh yeah? If you loved me, you wouldn't have hesitate" I said very low but he still heard it, by now my eyes are bloodshot red.

"I do ok I love you so freaking much!" He said grabbing my hand.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled pulling my hand away.

"Baby come on, ple-" he started.

"It's over Josh! Us, we're over!" I said in a low voice tears streaming down my cheeks all the way down to my neck.

"You don't mean that y/n" he said his eyes filling with tears. And I'm not going to lie I felt really bad.

I do love him, I love him so much but we rushed. We both weren't ready for a relationship, but what sucks is that he leaves for tour in one more day and I might not even see him again now that we're over. Maybe he'll do better, maybe he can be happier now that we're done. He can live his life without worrying about me.

"Why don't you just stay over here tonight" Anthony asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yeah sure thanks. Um Josh?" I asked a hesitating a little.

"Yeah." He said with tears streaming down his red cheeks.

"You could sleep in my bed if you want, but you don't have to." I said wiping the tears of off my cheeks. He just nodded and walked towards the door I wanted to go up to him and hug him, I hate seeing him like this and it hurts more knowing I hurt him. So I did. I got up and ran towards Josh and he turned around and looked me in my eyes and we engulfed each other in a tight hug like we were going to lose each other and if I'm being honest we probably were.

I had my arms wrapped around his neck I got on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear.

"I'm sorry I hurt you" I whispered making more tears pour out of my eyes.

"It's ok I should be sorry. I want you to know something, know that whatever happens I really do love you and no one I mean no one can ever replace you." He whispered in my which made me cry even more.

"I love you too, no matter what" I whispered before pulling away from our long, tight hug.

"I'll see you later, this isn't the end of us I will make you mine again." He whispered kissing my cheek and I'm not going to lie it made me smile.

Man I'm going to miss calling him mine...

"Goodbye y/n" he said before turning around and walking out.

"Goodbye Josh" I said even though he was already gone.
Word count is 1131
Ok guys I know this is very dramatic and all but yeah here is a update. Also I just wanted to say be careful with this covid 19 crap even though it's just a freaking cold (iykyk😂) it's still killing hella people everyday. Anyways have a good day or night love you guys 💕

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