Chapter 3|Finally Meeting part 1

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Josh's Pov

Today is the day I finally get to meet Y/N I can't freaking wait I get up out of bed shower and get dressed after stressing on what to wear I finally find something presentable

I decided to wear this

I decided to wear this

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With these jeans

I than walked out of my room grabbed my keys and my phone first I decided to text Y/N

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I than walked out of my room grabbed my keys and my phone first I decided to text Y/N

Y/N's Pov
I was getting ready into this

Y/N's PovI was getting ready into this

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When Josh texts me

Josh🥵💕:Hey I'm on my way to Starbucks just thought I'd let you know anyways can't wait to see you

Y/N😍🤩:Ok I'm on my way can't freaking wait!!!

Josh🥵💕: lol see you soon gorgeous

Y/N😍🤩:See ya

Back to Y/N's Pov
I decided to take an Uber to Starbucks since he was gonna come back to my place anyway. I wait outside for my Uber and once the Uber drops me off and I walk in to see a handsome tall guy he turns around and that's when I run and jump into his arms
Josh:Y/N!! You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this your so much more beautiful in real life
Y/N:Thanks your not to bad yourself
We both laugh and I jump out of his arms we order our drinks and Josh takes me to his car

Josh's Pov
I take Y/N to the car and we drive for like twenty minutes until we finally reach our destination
Y/N:Where are we going
Josh: You'll see
Y/N:Tell me pweassse
Josh:Your baby voice is so hard to resist but no sorry
We both laugh and we finally get out of the car I take her hand and take her to a alley
Y/N:Uhhh Josh I have just one question are you going to kill me?
She asked trying to stay serious.
Josh:What?!? No come on we are almost there
I jump over a rock and grab Y/N's waist to help pull her up
Josh: We're here!!

Y/N's Pov
I turn my head to see a gorgeous beach sunset before I can say anything Josh grabs my hand and pulls me into a beautiful fort that looks like this

I walk into the fort and see a laptop, an extra hoodie, a cooler with champagne, orange juice and grape juice I look at Josh and hug him tight Y/N:Thank you Josh it's gorgeousJosh:Really, I didn't really know if you drank and I figured you wouldn'...

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I walk into the fort and see a laptop, an extra hoodie, a cooler with champagne, orange juice and grape juice I look at Josh and hug him tight
Y/N:Thank you Josh it's gorgeous
Josh:Really, I didn't really know if you drank and I figured you wouldn't be comfortable in what your wearing so yea
Y/N:Awww Josh
Josh says while handing me a hoodie. Josh:You should get change into something more comfy.
Josh turns around and faces the opposite of me while I change once I'm done I tell him he can turn around we both lay down on the bed and watch Disney plus. Josh than asks if I want a drink.
Josh:Y/N you want a drink
Y/N:Yes please
Josh:And what would you like beautiful
I feel my cheeks turn red
Y/N:Champagne is fine thank you
He than hands me a glass of champagne and we end up drinking a little to much and...

Word count is 600

I'm sure no one is even really reading my story but if you are thank you so so much sorry about the cliffhanger by the way I might make another one but idk it's like 11:35 where I am so yea anyways goodnight or good morning hope you guys have a good day or night love you guys 💕

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