chapter 8|Mine??

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(^^^this is my song)

We were all just in the living room on our phones when of course Josh had to break the silence.
Josh:let's go to the mall
Jaden:I'm so down
Anthony:ok let's go
But before I could answer someone else did...............
Anthony:babe I already said yes
Josh:Anthony shut up
Y/N:Anthony I don't know who the hell lied to you because Josh is mine
Anthony:well he liked me first!!
Y/N:he likes me more!!!
Anthony:well he likes my package more than he likes yours!!!(iykyk)
Josh:I mean like he's not wrong
Y/N: that's not what you said last night!!!*whisper yells*
All the boys look at me and Josh in shock.
Anthony:broo Josh you fucking cheated on me you said you wanted to lose your v-card to someone special then you lose it to this rat!!!
I gasp and put my hand on my heart.
Y/N:*gasps* Josh your gonna let him talk about me like that!!
Josh:of course not baby...................... Anthony bring your ass over here and lets throw some hands
Anthony:but Joshy I love you
Josh:ewwwww stop don't call me that ever again!!!!!!
Anthony:don't call you what??? JOSHY!!!
Josh than gets up and starts to chase Anthony around the house.
Y/N:You guys are dumb
Josh:*gasps*baby how could you say that to me
Y/N:aww I'm sorry. Anthony your dumb
Anthony:wow y/n your bogus
We all start laughing except for Jaden he just rolls his eyes
Y/N:ugh someone has a attitude
Jaden:are we going to the mall or what?
Payton:what's gotten in to you asshat
Anthony:Yea rude ass
Jaden:fuck you guys
Anthony:you wish you could fuck this
Payton:eww Anthony no one wants that but Josh on the other hand!
Y/N:I know right!!!* Bites lip*
Payton:y/n only because you and Josh are talking you can tap that first but when your done tell me because I need to tap that
Josh:you guys are real life goofy
Y/N:yeah but I'm your goofy
Payton:nOOoooOoO I'm his goofy
Y/N:he likes me more
Anthony:let's all be honest he likes me more
Josh:I don't like dick so im sorry guys but I do like y/n better
Y/N:ha ha told y'all
Anthony:oh shut up
Payton:it's ok Josh is still mine
Y/N: nOOoooOoO he is miIiIiiInNnnNe
Anthony:no he's mine
I grabbed Josh's arm and pulled him on top of me so that one of his knees were on a different side of me. I cupped his face and kissed him long, softly but very passionately. Then I pulled away and he got up and sat next to me then pulled me on to his lap. I started to play with his hair.
Y/N:told you he was mine
Anthony:yeah, yeah whatever
Payton:show of
Jaden:can we just go to the mall already I need to meet a friend
Y/N:ok ass hole let's go
We all got in the car. Jaden was driving, Anthony in the passenger seat, Payton in the back left window, Josh in the back right window, and me between Josh and Payton. I laid my head on Josh's shoulder, and he started playing with my hair.
Josh:I love you baby girl
Y/N:I love you more baby boy
Josh:no you don't
Y/N:yes I do
Josh:you can't I love you to much
Y/N:Awwwwwe I still love you more
Josh:nah *kisses my fivehead(just me oh)*

*Time skip to at the mall periodttttt sis*

Jaden: we're here
Anthony:get out whores
Payton:ok hoes
Y/N:ok sluts
Josh:ok prostitutes
I then give him a death stare
Y/N:too far
Anthony:*laughs* you guys are dumb
Y/N:no he is dumb
Josh:I'm sorry baby girl
Y/N: Awwwwwe it's ok
Payton:ok I know y'all aren't official or anything but like couple goals
Y/N:oh shut up and let's go
We all walked in, me and Josh hand in hand. Once we walked through we all had to put on our hoodies because these fans be wild. We started shopping when Josh and payton decided to leave me, with Anthony while Jaden was with his friend.
Josh:umm baby girl me and Payton are gonna go some where ok stay here with Anthony he will tell you what to get ok?
Y/N:Uhhhh ok
Josh:I love you
Y/N:I love you too
Josh:see you later. Anthony have her ready at 9:00.
Josh than gave me a quick kiss and walked away with Payton.
Y/N:soo what do I need???
Anthony:ok it does sound weird but it will make sense later anyways your gonna need pajamas, a bathing suit, a sun dress, and thats basically it, oh and towels.
Y/N:uhhh ok let's go get shopping

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