Chapter 17| Chill Day part 2

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 After greeting everyone we all sat around, watched T.V and chilled until of course the silence was ruined by....

"We should prank call some people" Payton yelled from across the room.

"Fine, but I'm calling Jackson" I said picking up my phone and dialing Jackson's number.

"That is not fair Jackson is so gullible!!" Anthony whined while the phone rang. "Oh shut up Anthony!" I yelled while the phone stopped ringing. I covered my mouth as quick as possible to stop me from yelling.

"Who the hell is this?!" someone questioned from the other line, but it wasn't Jackson... It was a girl!?

"Uhhhh?! Who is this?" I questioned trying not to laugh. 

"I'm Jackson's girlfriend so the real question is who the fuck are you and why are you calling my man's phone?!" I couldn't hold it anymore I put her on mute and we all started dying of laughter while she continued to question me. After a while I calmed down and stopped laughing.

"Aye why don't you tell her your his side chick. That will definitely piss her off" Jaden suggested. "Don't you think that's a little much? I don't want to ruin their relationship or anything." I replied knowing that if I did that it could ruin Jackson's relationship.

"You don't have to if you don't want to baby girl" Josh softly whispered in my ear and then softly kissed my neck. After debating on what to do I finally took her off mute and started talking.

"So are you going to tell me who the hell you are, or are you going to hide behind the phone with your scary ass!" She sounded furious. all the boys looked at me and 'OoOooO'ed  and 'treated' (if that even makes sense).

"Oh shut the hell up" I yelled at the boys they looked at me and then pointed to the phone and I remembered that she heard me so I quickly hung up and just sat there.

"Well that was interesting?" Payton said breaking the silence, and looking around awkwardly.

"Very..... Anyways who's next?" Anthony replied everyone just looked around until Josh spoke up.

"I'll do it. Who should I call?" He asked while he fixed his hair and took his phone out. I took my phone out and got on Instagram and made a post saying "Leave a friend or family's number along with their name so we could prank call" after I posted that I got a lot of comments so I scrolled through them and picked a random one the girls name was Nessa and she was really pretty.

I have a bad felling about this. No, no, no it's ok nothing's going to happen it's just a phone call and we will all be right here. Everything is going to be okay, right?

After a while of telling myself nothing bad was going to happen I asked Josh for his phone and he gave it to me with no hesitation. I unlocked it and dialed the number, I tossed him his phone and said. "Her name is Nessa." He looked a little confused but nodded. After a few rings she answered, Josh had his phone on speaker so we could all hear everything...
Word count is 598
Ok guys I know I haven't updated in a while, but know since my school is shutting down for a while I have no excuse to not update. I have a good idea of what happens next but if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments. Love you guys 💕💕

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