His violent side

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I woke in the morning to see that Chris wasn't in the bed so I called out for him, but no answer, so I just got up and did my daily morning routine, and got dressed. After I got dressed I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast, after I ate I cleaned the kitchen. Then I went for a walk. When i got back which was a hour later i walked into the house and got hit in the face with smoke, so I walked in to see Chris on the couch smoking a blunt with some his friends. Wtf?

"Chris" I said walking over to him

"What?" He said sounding annoyed

"What the hell, can you go outside and smoke that shit?"I said with a attitude

"Number one lose the attitude, and number two take yo ass upstairs, and stfu" he said taking another long drag from the blunt, while looking at me

"Fuck you" I said walking upstairs pissed off, and then I heard him and his friends laughing, so I slammed and locked the door.

About 2 hours later there was knock at the door so I opened it to see who else but Chris.

"What?" I asked him pissed

"Aww is my baby mad" he said giving me the puppy face

"Leave me alone" I said trying to close the door but he put his big ass foot in the way, then he walked in and grabbed me then started kissing on my neck, even tho it did feel good I wasn't going to give in and give him what he wanted. So I pushed him off of me and got up, but before I could get to the door I was pulled back aggressively.

"Get your ass back here" he said pissed off

"Let go of me" I said trying to pull away but his grip was to tight

"Bitch your not going anywhere" he said with a serious look on his face. No this bitch ass nigga didn't just call me that, tf?

Anyways I instantly reacted and slapped hard across his face which made him release me, and as soon as he did I ran out the bedroom door and went downstairs, and to only be followed by Chris.

"Indya if you open that damn door, I'm going to kick your ass" he said while following me

"Fuck you bitch" I said turning around,  and as soon as I did I was slapped down to the floor really hard. The only thing I could do was cry in pain, then I heard Chris say " Bitch ass" before he walked out slamming the door.

After he left I got up slowly and walked upstairs then I was the blood out of my mouth, then I took another shower and got into the bed.


I was running down the stairs trying to get away from August before he kicks my ass, and the next thing I know I was falling down the stairs and when I hit the bottom everything went black.

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